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“Change isn’t a bad thing,” Allison says.

“I hope not,” I say. I glance at her. “Why does everyone insist Ethan has feelings for me, though? I’ve never seen any sign of them.”

“I don’t know… It’s the way he looks at you, I think,” Allison says, frowning. “I mean…think about Alex and Hayley, and the way they look at each other. The way they treat each other, you’d think they hate each other. But, sometimes…”

“They look at each other like there’s no one else in the world,” I finish. “Yeah, I’ve seen that.”

“You and Ethan do that, too,” Allison says. “Sometimes, I see Ethan just looking at you, and it’s like there’s this bubble around the two of you that no one else can penetrate.” She shrugs. “He tries so hard to take care of you, too, claiming that it’s because of how much you do for him. I don’t know, Allison. It just feels like he’s holding back, sometimes.”

“Hayley thinks that he hasn’t even realized that he might have feelings for me,” I grumble.

“Maybe,” Allison says with a grin. “But, you know, if he really was that rattled tonight because of your argument, then he definitely feels something for you.”

I don’t want to hope. Hope is what kept breaking my heart before. I still haven’t even spoken to Ethan. Allison and Hayley might be wrong, after all. I need to prepare myself for rejection.

But it’s hard not to feel the way my heart lifts slightly in anticipation.

“Well, good luck, anyway,” Allison tells me. “You’ll be fine, no matter what happens.”

I open my mouth to reply. Before I can, however, I hear the distant roar of a motorbike coming down the street. I gasp; Ethan is about to get home. I feel this irrational urge to run and hide. But my car is in the driveway, so he’ll definitely know I’m here.

“Time to face the music,” Allison says with a grin.

We listen as Ethan pulls into the driveway and then kills the engine. Tension sets in my shoulders as I hear him fumbling to unlock the door. Then he’s inside and I wait, barely daring to breathe as he makes his way toward us.

When he arrives in the kitchen, he doesn’t look surprised to see me. He gives me a small smile, which makes me feel relieved; he isn’t mad at me. Then he turns to Allison.

“Thank you for coming at short notice,” he says.

“It’s fine,” Allison replies dismissively. “Lily is in bed. Are you sure you’re alright? You still look unwell.”

“I’ll be fine,” Ethan assures her. “Thanks.”

“Right,” Allison says. “Just know that I’m getting the whole story off Kyle.”

“I expected that,” Ethan retorts with another small smile.

Allison laughs and grabs her bag.

“I’m off, then,” she says, stepping forward and hugging Ethan quickly. “Tell us if you need anything, okay?”

“I will,” Ethan promises.

“Good,” she says firmly. “Alright, have a good night, you too.”

I want to tell her to come back. I don’t want to be left alone with just Ethan and my thoughts. But I don’t want to make Ethan suspicious, so I just watch as she leaves.

As soon as she’s gone, however, Ethan turns to me.

“I’m so sorry,” he says.

I’m taken aback. He’s sorry? I’m the one that said all those cruel things!

“I should have talked to you first, instead of just assuming,” Ethan says. “Are you still mad at me?”

“No,” I reply. “If anything, you should be mad at me.”

“I was, a little,” Ethan admits. “But I think we both handled that poorly.” He snorts. “So much for being adults that can communicate properly and deal with things.”

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance