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“So close,” he moans. “So fucking close, your body is so tight around me, Allison.”

I clench around him without meaning to, and his hips snap forward. With that last thrust, I’m thrown over the edge, my vision going black for a second as pleasure knocks me over with a cry. I feel Kyle thrust a few more times, and then his body trembles with his own release, shaking on top of me. We ride it out, clutching each other, trying to anchor each other as we shake and moan, helpless to do anything against the force of the orgasm that has ripped through us.

Then Kyle collapses on top of me, panting. His body is stiff, and I wonder if he’ll be sore in a few hours. I barely fit on the couch, and we’ve just squashed ourselves on it to have sex. At the time it didn’t seem to matter; we were too desperate to care where we were. But now I’m starting to feel the pain, and it has to be worse for him.

After a moment, Kyle rolls off me and slumps on the floor beside the couch, groaning. I sit up, propping myself up against the back of the couch.

“Ouch,” Kyle grumbles.

A reluctant grin quirks at my lips.

“You’re the one who carried me to the couch,” I feel the need to point out.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t think that through,” Kyle said, making a face as he rubs his lower back. “Still, though…” He looks up at me and spears me with an intent look. “How do you feel?”

I blink, puzzled. How do I feel? I’m not entirely sure why he’s asking me that now. I feel sated and content and…

My thoughts trail off.


“Okay,” I say, shrugging. Kyle frowns at me and I manage a smile back. “Really, I feel alright. I feel better than I did. Thanks.”

Thanks for what? For giving me what I wanted, allowing me the moment I needed to erase everything so I didn’t have to feel it all? For making me briefly forget Jesse again?

“It’s fine,” he says.

We sit quietly. It’s isn’t awkward, despite the fact that we’re both naked and catching our breath from a round of fierce sex. I’m cold, so I cover myself with a blanket that was left on the couch and curl my legs beneath me.

“Want to watch a movie?” I ask.

Kyle looks up at me. It feels ridiculous to ask, especially after what we just did together, but he smiles.

“Sure,” he says. “Want some more coffee?”

“I’d love some,” I say, smiling back. “I have some popcorn, too.”

Kyle heaves himself to his feet and wanders away, collecting his trousers as he goes. A moment later, my robe flies through the air and settles on my head, while Kyle laughs at me.

“Popcorn sounds great,” he says, turning the kettle on. “Do you want to get dressed first?”

“I’m okay with lounging around,” I say, shrugging the robe on and tightening the belt. “If you don’t mind.”

“It’s fine,” he says. “Pick a movie, I’ll find the popcorn in the cupboard.”

I slide off the couch and open the cupboard underneath my television, scanning the DVDs I have stored there. There would be time enough, later, to talk about Jesse and everything that I’m feeling about him, I decide.

For now, though, I just want to curl up next to Kyle and ignore the rest of the world until I have to face it again. For just this moment, I want to feel safe.

I can figure out the rest later.

Chapter Seventeen


My phone vibrates and I whip it out of my pocket, staring at the screen. It’s just a notification, though, and I curse myself for my own stupidity, rolling my eyes at myself. I sent Allison a message only half an hour ago, and she was likely still at college, or out with some friends, since she isn’t home yet.

Not that I should know that. I remember how she joked, before, about how I was a stalker, and I gloomily think that I’ve become closer to that than I meant to recently.

Tags: Mia Ford Roughshod Rollers MC Romance