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His hand came up and wrapped in her hair before pulling her backward. His lips slid down her neck, bowing her back against the passenger’s seat of the cab. She moaned out, not caring about the driver or anyone else who saw them. His hands were groping her. Massaging her ass and sliding up her thighs. Cupping her breasts as his lips peppered kisses down her naked skin. His tongue lapped at her cleavage. Nipped at her ear.

She was shaking on top of him.

Desperate for his body to be pressed against hers.

Her fingertips worked quickly to unbutton his shirt. And when she smoothed her hands over his chest, something inside of her snapped. She lunged at him again, crashing their lips together as she bounced on his lap. Leaking from her panties and leaving stains behind on his board shorts.

But the cab soon came to a stop and Ash opened the door.

They tumbled out of the cab and he quickly paid with a shaking hand. Then he turned back to Kallie as she tried to gather herself. She took his hand and tugged him to her villa, their feet slipping and sliding in the sand.

She had half a mind to yank his board shorts down on the beach and have her way with him against the coastline.

She contained herself long enough to get to her front door. She fumbled with the keys to the place and the door swung open, then his lips were on her neck again. They stumbled into the villa as Kallie kicked out, slamming the door behind their bodies.

Then Ash whipped her around and pressed her against the closed door.

His hand reached out to lock it and Kallie sighed into his lips. She slid his shirt off his shoulders before running her hands down his body. She kissed his broad chest and dragged her tongue down every rung of his chiseled abs. Her fingers played with the pointed divots disappearing beyond his board shorts as she slid to her knees. Ash’s hand was fisted in her hair as she pulled his shorts down, watching his cock spring free as it dripped from its head.

She licked her tongue up the bulging vein of his cock and watched as his eyes fluttered closed.

She pulled him into her, swallowing his cock. She took as much as she could before she gagged, and the sensation caused Ash to hiss. His hand tightened in her hair and she wrapped her hand around the base, working as much of him as she could. His sounds were miraculous. Never in her life had a man been so responsive before. She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock and he groaned, his hips pressing back into her face.

“Shit, Kallie. The fuck?”

She smiled at the sound of her name. It sounded good in his low baritone notes. His voice filled the foyer of the villa and she swallowed him down again, bobbing her head in time with the thrust of her hand. He guided her movements, and she tasted the precum that leaked down her throat. She moaned around him and watched his eyes squeeze shut as his chest flushed with sweat. Her free hand ran up his washboard abs, raking her nails along his skin.

Then his eyes opened in an instant and he pulled her lips from his cock.

She released him with a pop and he pulled her to her feet. His hands slipped her dress from around her neck, then ripped it down her body. His eyes beheld her. The nakedness of her form. His gaze traveled along the slope of her engorged tits and down to the glistening wetness of her pussy.

Then he fell to his knees to worship her as her back fell against the doorway.

Chapter 11


He grabbed her hips and pressed his face between her thighs. Kallie gladly parted them for him and he took in her scent. Took in the feeling of her soft thighs around his cheeks. He nuzzled her neatly trimmed pussy lips and groaned at the feel of them.

Her hands fell to his hair as he parted her legs, pressing her against the closed door. His tongue fell from his mouth and he lapped along her slit, drinking the leaking arousal pouring from her pussy. The taste was hea

venly. Like salted seawater and lust. He pressed his tongue deeper, feeling her quake around his cheeks as she sighed with content.

“Pretty Kallie,” he whispered into her pussy. “So tasty.”

He ran his tongue along her clit and pressed his hands into her hips. She shivered and bobbed, her hips already grinding down into his mouth. Oh, she was wanton. Filled with a lust he knew he could satiate. He nuzzled deeper between her pussy folds and pressed his tongue into her swollen clit, and he heard something crack.

He looked up and saw her pressing her head into the door as her fingers twirled tightly in his hair.

He flicked along the tip of her swollen bud and watched her come undone above him. Her tits bounced with every flick of his tongue and her nipples pulled tighter and tighter. The soft brown skin against her light tan called to him. He slid a hand up her side and watched goose bumps flee across her skin. It caused him to smile. To wrap his lips around her clit and suck. She moaned and whimpered, her body losing control as his thumb stroked her beautiful tit.

He massaged it. Gripped it. Tugged on it and pressed it. He moved his other hand up, pressing his face deeper into her pussy as she shook. Her jaw quivered, and her tits were swelling. Her skin flushed and her movements grew faster. He raked his tongue over her pulsing clit as he massaged her breasts, tugging on her sensitive nipples as her head banged against the door again.

“Ash. Oh my gosh. Don’t stop. Please.”

Oh, her begging was heavenly. And her thighs molded beautifully to his face. He slid from her entrance to her clit, taking long, languid strokes that sent her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

Then she fell over the edge, shaking and shivering as her pussy poured into his mouth.

Tags: Lexy Timms Wet & Wild Erotic