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His palm cupped her. “Hot.”

She gasped, the anticipation of his entry was making her restless. She wiggled her butt, moving her hips to push against his hand. “Please, take me. I want to feel you inside me. I’m craving your body.”

His finger moved back inside her, pushing in deep, drawing more moisture from her. ?

??I love your body, every bit of it. I want you so much.”

“Have me! I’m yours!” she said, desperation in her voice.

He stepped towards her, using two fingers to spread her while his dick pushed inside, slowly at first, and then with one hard stroke he buried himself inside her. A moan escaped her lips as her body molded around him once again. Every new position with him took her to new heights.

He began fucking her hard and then gently, escalating her desire and then cooling it only to start it all over again. His body was pressed against hers, pushing her closer to the door. She pushed back, driving herself against him as he thrust inside her. They developed an intense rhythm, both of them completely out of control and letting their bodies do the thinking.


He roared something incoherent, ripped her away from the wall, turned her and picked her up before dropping her body onto his dick. Her head dropped forward as her back connected with the door, sliding up and down with each thrust. She felt the tension in his back, likening him to a coiled tiger ready to spring.

“Fuck!” he cried out, stiffening as his body erupted inside her.

She was orgasming so violently she felt as if she were going to black out. Her body was bouncing against him, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she held on for dear life. When the door was no longer behind her, her eyes popped open as he carried her to his bed. With one hand, he reached out and pulled the blankets back before putting her on the sheet. She scooted back, making room for him as he crawled in beside her, pulling the sheet to her waist. They faced each other, their heads resting on pillows as they watched each other go through the final throes of orgasm.

“Wow,” she whispered.

He grinned. “Definitely wow.”

“Our clothes are all over the foyer. Your security team is going to think you were attacked,” she teased.

He laughed. “I think they’ll have a clue as to what happened. They’ll be discreet.”

She smiled and reached out to stroke his face. “I hope they weren’t looking in the windows.”

“They would never.”


“I missed you,” she whispered.

He smiled. “I’m glad to hear that. It would be really awkward if I was the only one doing the missing. I was a little lost without you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You said that.”

She grinned. “I did, but I feel like I need to say it a lot. You’re such a good man and you didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I hope you can forgive me.”

“I forgave you the moment I saw you,” he confessed.

“I debated how to tell you I was home. I thought about calling, but that felt cold. I was going to text you but thought that would really be uncool. I wanted to see you, so I took a chance and showed up.”

He kissed her. “I’m glad you did. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.”

She took a deep breath. She owed him an explanation. They’d just had mind-blowing sex and it seemed like a good time to get everything off her chest. Ben was the man for her, but she wasn’t quite sure how to tell him. Before she could move forward with him, she had to take care of her business with Tim.

“I have to admit the reunion went much better than I could have hoped,” she said with a giggle.

He laughed. “I guess I was a little exuberant.”

“In the foyer, Ben. I think that goes beyond exuberant.”

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance