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Katherine giggled, noticing the people all looking in her direction. “Talk to Ben,” she shouted back.

She liked Rachel and was glad Ben had someone like her acting as sentry to his office. Rachel wasn’t a big woman, but she was intimidating.

Once she was back on the street, she looked up at the many tall buildings lining the streets. Corporate America was not her thing. She would never be able to do what Rachel and Ben did. She went left. She had never been this far up the street before and was excited to see what she would find. The hustling people on the streets, carrying briefcases and talking on their cellphones didn’t seem to notice her at all in her jeans and sneakers. In her eyes, she stuck out like a sore thumb among the expensive business suits and the women wearing pencil skirts and heels.

It was definitely not her thing. She continued around the block and saw the donut shop tucked inside a huge insurance company building and immediately dismissed the idea. That was not what she was looking for. Her adventure took her on a winding route through the heart of the corporate center of the city until she made it back to the smaller store fronts and the many restaurants that competed against one another with signs placed on the sidewalks advertising their specials.

The area was more her style. People wore jeans and seemed much more laid back. She started the tedious process of going inside the restaurants and shops, asking for applications and hoping for the chance to get hired on the spot. It didn’t happen, but she was going to take the applications home and fill them out anyway.

As she sat at home at her small kitchen table, she realized her job history wasn’t the best. She was constantly changing jobs. Her longest job had been at the bakery and when the application asked why she no longer worked there, she was tempted to lie. Once all the applications were filled out, she set about doing the tedious chores that had been ignored over the weekend. Kissing Ben had been her priority, not the dishes or laundry.

She rose from the table, doublechecked to make sure the door was locked and turned on some music. Cleaning her own house was something she loved to do. It was her space. Tim had a fleet of housekeepers that cleaned the mansion, which was good and bad. Katherine had been miserably bored all the time. The idea of being on her own was exhilarating. She found herself singing loud to a Taylor Swift song that was blaring through her single Bluetooth speaker.

“Girl, you have no idea,” Katherine giggled as she listened to the singer lament a lost love.

Chapter Six


WAKING UP WITH KATHERINE would never get old. Her back was to him as he curled around her, protecting her as she slept. She’d come home with him last night after a night out together. He loved their sleepovers and only wished they could make it a more regular thing, as in she moved in with him. He knew she loved her place, but his afforded them a lot more room, privacy and most importantly, security. He always felt like they were exposed at her place. Anyone could walk up to her front door and knock. He wanted to be able to protect her and the high fence and gate around his place seemed much more conducive to keeping Tim and other bad guys out.

She moaned softly. “You’re awake.”

He kissed her bare shoulder. “I am.”

“You get up so early.”

He laughed. “You’re usually the first one up.”

“Now that I don’t have a job, there’s no reason to get out of bed before seven.”

He kissed her shoulder, moving her hair away from her neck and kissed her there. “I can give you a very good reason to get out of bed.”

“Wouldn’t that be a reason to stay in bed?” she replied.

“Yes and no. I need to get in the shower. We could conserve water,” he said in a husky voice.

She shuddered against him. “I could use a shower.”

The morning just got a lot better. He got out of bed and headed into his master bathroom, turning on the water and making sure it was nice and hot.

“You have too many clothes on for a shower,” he said, taking in the t-shirt she was wearing that barely covered her butt.

She smiled and lifted the shirt over her head. “Better?”

“Much,” he said, stripping off his briefs.

He stepped inside the shower with her right behind him. His huge shower was the size of a small closet, with dark blue tiles and a series of jets on the side and his favorite feature, the rain showerhead. One hadn’t been enough, and he’d had a contractor install a couple, making sure he was always under the water. That was a feature proving to come in very handy now.

“This is heavenly,” she murmured, turning her face up to the showerhead.

“I’m glad you like it,” he said, reaching for his liquid soap and pouring a little in his hand before rubbing his hands together and creating a thick lather. He reached out, placing his soapy hands on her shoulders before he gently rubbed her skin.

Her head we

nt back as he moved to work down the front of her body, paying special attention to her breasts.

Once he had given her body a very thorough washing, she took over and returned the favor. Lovingly caressing every inch of skin as she moved her soft hands over him.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance