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“Ooh, I wouldn’t mind that one bit.”

“I don’t sleep in pajamas,” she said, in a low voice.

“Yeah, I noticed,” he replied.

“I better go. I’ll see you at seven—casual.”

They hung up and he immediately called Will. “Hey, we’re going out, double date tonight, seven o’clock at Joe’s,” he blurted out.

“We are?”

“Yes, I’ll see you then and don’t even think about telling me no. I know you’re not doing anything.”

His friend laughed and agreed to be at the bar. He looked up and saw Rachel standing in the doorway.

“Good, I was just going to see if you had removed that phone from your ear yet.”

She rolled her eyes. “You could have tried to help me, at least.”

“I thought your job included talking on the phone,” he shot back, teasing her.

“Not that much. What are you up to? I can see that guilty look on your face.”

He grinned. “You’re off at four today.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “I am?”

He nodded. “Yep, and you have a date at seven. It’s casual, but I know you ladies like to get all dolled up. You’ll have plenty of time if you leave early.”

“I have a date? How is that you know about my date and I do not?”

“Because I do. Double date. Me and Katherine, you and Will. Seven o’clock at Joe’s,” he stated.

She shrugged a shoulder. “I could use a drink.”

“Good. What’s up?” he asked, focusing back on work.

She shook her head. “I was going over those emails you forwarded. Just wanted to let you know I’ve made some calls, sent some emails and it is all being handled.”

He smiled. “I knew it would be. I probably don’t pay you enough, do I?”

“No, you don’t, but that’s okay. I’ll ask you a favor one of these days.”


“Be careful what you promise,” she laughed and walked out of the office.

He tried his best to focus on work, but he couldn’t stop himself from turning to Google. He wanted to know more about the man who beat the shit out of Katherine. Tim Marshall was bad news. Ben liked to know his enemies and Tim Marshall was most definitely his enemy.

Katherine was a beautiful woman and he tried to picture her with blonde hair. He didn’t mind the brunette, but it was obvious she was a natural blonde. He imagined she would have been stunning as a blonde, with glossy hair and golden highlights.

She had asked him to stay out of it, and he had tried. These few days had gone by, and he’d managed to do as she had asked. But this time when he typed the name into the Google search bar, he went for it. The search turned up two photos of her on Tim’s arm. The guy was a big shot in Los Angeles. She said she kept running and he kept finding her. The guy was connected and had money. As a high-powered defense attorney, he rubbed elbows with some of the Hollywood elite, as well as the shady side of wealth.

Ben’s lip curled as he read the man’s bio from the legal firm’s

website. It took a great deal of self-control not to slam his fist into the screen. The smug look on the man’s face as he stared at the camera made Ben furious. He blew his cheeks out, pushing air through his lips as he fought to control his temper.

He wanted to help her. Tim had money, but Ben had more, of that he was sure. He had connections, real connections. Tim was no match for him. The guy thought he was a big man because he rubbed elbows with the Hollywood crowd and beat up a woman. Ben would love it if old Tim took a swing at him. Let him try some of his bully thug moves on someone his own size. Ben clenched his fists at the thought of the actual beating that left her so bruised, and her comment that she had endured much worse.

Tags: Lexy Timms You & Me Romance