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A chuckle fell from Gray’s lips as Maria began jotting down some notes. But the look she gave Gray made me feel like she didn’t quite believe what he had to say.

So, was he not showing me around the property?

“Consider them rescheduled,” she said. “The two of you have fun.”

Then she looked back at me with a knowing grin before she left us to ourselves.

Gray held his arm out for me and I walked over to him to take it. He led me back down to my room so I could slip into something else to wear, and I decided on a loose summer dress and some flip flops. He offered me his arm and the two of us started out on our journey, walking through his home and venturing out the back door. I’d been so wrapped up in taking in the views from the sides of his property that I hadn’t thought to simply look out back.

And what I saw was stunning.

“The building over there to the far left is a library I keep on the grounds. I spend a lot of my time on the weekends in there, so if you can’t find me in the house on a Saturday or Sunday, that’s probably where I am. The building right next to it is a guesthouse, though it hasn’t been used in quite some time. Should you feel uncomfortable in the house, I’m more than willing to set you up out there.”

We walked down a cobblestone walkway and slowly grew closer to the buildings.

“The building over to your far right is actually an indoor pool and hot tub.”

“You don’t keep them outside?” I asked.

“I don’t want any of the chlorinated steam to waft over to the grapevines. Keeping it contained like that allows me the opportunity to swim and relax while looking out over the vines and knowing they won’t be cross-contaminated with chemicals they don’t need.

“That is actually really smart,” I said.

“And to think I actually have brains,” he said, with a sigh.

I giggled and shook my head as he led me through the property. I listened with great intent as he laid o

ut his property for me. Every building, every acre, and every trail. I saw the pride in his eyes. The genuine excitement he took from having all of this at his disposal. The pride in his voice was evident, and it forced a smile upon my cheeks. Even though our situation was far from ideal, I knew Gray was a good man. A proud man. A man that had clamored from the throes of abuse to step into the sun that shone on his vineyard every single day.

Following him as he led us down a row of vines, he plucked a grape off one of them and held it up to my lips.

“Try it,” he said.

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t you be saving them or something?” I asked.

“It’s already plucked. Nothing I can do about it now.”

Leaning forward, I took the grape between my lips. The second I bit into it, the sweetness made my mouth water. I hummed and moaned, chewing it slowly so I could savor it.

“Good?” he asked.

“Very,” I said, as a droplet of juice fell from my lips.

Before he caught himself, Gray reached out and brushed it away from my skin, his hand dangerously close to my lips as my gaze fluttered up to his. The sky began to darken over our heads and a clap of thunder sounded in the distance.

I jumped at the sound as Gray threw his gaze upwards.

“Come on,” he said, as he grabbed my hand, “this storm is coming on quick.”

“Where are we going?” I asked.

Without an answer, he just pulled me and the two of us began to run.

Lightning crackled in the sky and thunder shook the ground beneath our feet. We raced to the end of the row of grapes towards a small outbuilding sitting at the corner of one of his acres. He threw open the door just as the sky opened up, sending sheets of rain battering against the small building. My back fell against the wall as I began to laugh, feeling more carefree than I had in years. My shoulders shook and my lips parted into a smile, and soon Gray’s laughter filled the small building along with mine.

“Oh my gosh! This is so insane,” I said, breathlessly.

“Not quite the grand tour I had in mind, but once the rain stops we can finish up,” Gray said.

Tags: Lexy Timms Worth It Billionaire Romance