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So, I turned my body towards hers, speared some eggs, and held them up to her lips.

“If you’re not going to feed your body, then I will,” I said.

“I’m sorry. It’s just—no one’s ever made me breakfast in bed before.”

I pressed the eggs closer to her lips, watching as she parted them. They wrapped around the fork and I couldn’t help but think about the way they wrapped around my cock. She slid the eggs off the fork and began to chew, humming and moaning as she savored every bite. I dropped my fork to spear a little more, waited until she swallowed, then offered her up some more food.

I loved watching her eat my food.

But what I loved even more was feeding it to her. Something I never thought I’d take any sort of joy in.

What the hell was this woman doing to me?

Chapter 26


Was I still dreaming? Was I going to wake up soon? Was this handsome man really feeding me from his own fork? It didn’t seem like my life. Things like this didn’t happen to me on a regular basis. Or ever. At all. But still, part of me wished my life would even out. The highs I experienced with Gray were enormous and wondrous, but the lows I experienced to get there were dragging me under and making it feel like I couldn’t breathe. I wish I didn’t have to experience the terrible lows to get to the crazy highs. I was thankful for Gray’s actions, especially since it was yet a new experience with him.

But I really needed my life to stop assuming it was made to be a rollercoaster.

He fed me until I was full, then he rid us of the plates and held me against his body. I sagged against him, drawing in the scent of his body wash and the strength of his arms. I closed my eyes and committed it all to memory. I no longer tried to tell myself it was only temporary. Because I knew once he left, I’d have nothing again. So why taint what I had now just to dwell on what would eventually happen in the future? My life was destined to crumble, so I might as well enjoy the ride down to the dirt.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked.

“We don’t have anything to do today,” Gray said.

The idea of having an entire day where nothing had to get accomplished lifted some anxiety off my chest. Last night, it felt hard to breathe. Blow after blow continued until I was crawling on my bloodied knees, and I had no idea if I’d be up to a full day of activities. So to know I didn’t have to muster up the energy somewhere to engage anything specific made me smile.

Made me feel lighter than air, almost.

Gray had been an incredible support, and I was thankful for his presence. He sat there in my bed and held me silently, not attempting to engage me in any conversation or make my brain work in any way. Slowly, I felt some of the weight from the past twenty-four hours lift from my shoulders. I felt the fear and agony I’d experienced when I left work for the last time lift away and cast itself elsewhere.

It felt good to feel so unburdened.

“I should get a shower,” I said.

“Care for some company?” Gray asked.

I giggled and shook my head as I sat up from his chest.

“As much as that sounds phenomenal, I need to take a few more deep breaths.”

“Whatever you want, Michelle. I’m going to get these plates cleaned up and poke around the house a little bit.”

“I’ll be out in a sec,” I said.

The shower felt nice. Not as heavy as it had the night before. I washed my body down and rinsed my face off, ridding my skin of the dried tears that reminded me of my failure and heartache. I washed my hair before getting out, then wrapped a towel around my body and stepped into my room.

And I found myself face-to-face with Gray.

His eyes raked up and down my body before he took a step forward. And before I knew it, his lips were upon mine. The towel fell from my body and he fell to his knees, parting my dripping folds and making them wet in a completely different way. I tightened my hands into his hair and pulled him closer. Rode his tongue and ground down onto him until I reached the heights of my pleasure. He thrust his tongue against my walls and I clamped down onto it, trapping it within me as he swallowed my arousal.

I fell into his arms, not moving until my body had dried itself out in the air conditioning of the house.

The entire day was like that. Gray poked around the house and rearranged a few things while I poked around in the attic for things we could use to decorate the house with. I figured he was still trying to sell it off, and there were a few items in the attic I felt could benefit from some showcasing. A couple of framed scenic pictures. A small sculpture. A couple of books that would look really nice on the small table in the library.

We danced around one another all day, stealing kisses and romantic moments where we could.

Tags: Lexy Timms Worth It Billionaire Romance