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I watched her roll her eyes as she traveled towards me again.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, MacDonald. I’d hate to see you end up hurt if you decide to keep her around.”

“Like you give a damn about hurting people, Cecily.”

She stopped in front of me, her hand sliding up my torso before settling against my heart.

“I never should’ve done what I did,” she said breathlessly. “And I don’t know how I’ll ever apologize for it. But if you think Michelle isn’t playing you, you’re wrong.”

Her eyes fluttered up to mine as I wrapped my hand around her wrist.

“If you ever want to find yourself dating a mature, classy woman, then you know where to find me.”

Tossing her wrist off to the side, I backed out of Anton’s room.

I watched her walk down the hallway, listening to her heels clacking against the hardwood floors. I didn’t stop holding my breath until I heard the door shut behind her, then I fell against the doorway. What the hell was that? Was she being serious?

That unsure little voice in the back of my head began to chirp, and before I could get it settled out I had my phone out texting Michelle.

I needed to talk with her.

And fast.

Chapter 20


My phone chimed for the third time in a row, so I took a break and headed to the bathroom. I pulled my phone from my back pocket and opened it up, my eyes widening at the text messages from Gray.

When do you get off work tonight?

Michelle, I needed to see you as soon as possible.

Michelle, are you there?

Another text message came rip-roaring through before I could even begin to respond.

I’m headed to the diner. I can get coffee at the bar and we can talk.

My fingers had never moved so fast to try and send him a message back.

What’s wrong? Did the showing not go well?

Answer my question, Michelle. What time do you get off?

I furrowed my brow deeply as I sat down onto the toilet.

Pick me up at 9:15. What’s wrong? Did something happen with the showing?

I’ll see you then. Come outside and get into the car once you’re done.

“Michelle!” Brad exclaimed. “Your customers are out of drinks. Pinch it off and get out here.”

I rolled my eyes as I shoved my phone into my pocket. I spent the entire rest of my shift wondering what in the world had happened. When I left, things were fine. But things didn’t seem fine any longer. Had the showing gone wrong? Had Gray gotten into another fight or something? I ran around, collecting tips and filling up everyone’s drinks as I watched the minutes slowly countdown. The shift was brutal. Not once did the crowd let up, and by the time nine fifteen rolled around I thought my feet were going to explode they were so swollen. I cashed out my tips and rushed outside, my head on a swivel for Gray’s convertible.

Lights flashed at me so I ran over, sliding quickly into the seat beside him.

“What in the world is wrong?” I asked.

Tags: Lexy Timms Worth It Billionaire Romance