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I found myself nodding before I was even aware of my answer. But still, I couldn’t help asking, “Are you sure, though?”

Daniel nodded at me. “I want to do this together,” he said. “I want to share our legacy.”

It was those simple words—our legacy—that really did it for me. I was still stunned, but I could feel a quick rush of elation flash through me as well. I practically jumped over his desk to throw my arms around him. We kissed messily, both overcome by our emotions.

“I take it that’s a yes?” Daniel asked amusedly as I finally released him.

I realized only then that I still had yet to say a word to him. “Yes,” I said breathlessly, bobbing my head. “Yes. One hundred times over, yes.”

Daniel laughed, pulling me into another kiss. “Good,” he said fiercely as I pulled away. “Because I know how much it means to you to become a CEO, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting you go to work for another company. You’re mine, Abby James.”

I shivered at the possessive tone to his voice. But I didn’t mind the idea of belonging to him, or of becoming a co-CEO of his company. In fact, it sounded pretty much perfect. “And here I was, worried that the reason that you were working so hard to train me up was that when we came back from this trip, you were going to recommend that I go to work somewhere else,” I joked.

Daniel’s arms tightened around me, pulling me down into his lap. “Absolutely not,” he said, shaking his head. “I just wanted to make sure that you were all ready to take over the role I envisioned for you. And that you weren’t going to have to be stressed while we’re in Thailand. I wanted you to have all the on the job training that you needed before we leave home.”

“Thanks again for trusting me. And for giving me this chance,” I said quietly. “You don’t know how grateful I am.”

“I think I have an idea,” Daniel said, grinning up at me. “But if you really want to show me how grateful you are, then by all means.” His face reddened as if he’d just realized he’d said the words out loud. He cleared his throat. “I was just kidding. That just came out really scumbag sounding. I totally didn’t mean it like that—”

“You don’t have to apologize,” I teased. “Now it sounds like your begging.”

“I’m not...” His voice trailed off, as if he wasn’t sure himself.

I glanced toward the door, but knew it was locked. This was usually so off-l

imits for us. And there was a reason for that. But then again, everyone in the office knew we were dating already. Nor would it be unusual for me and Daniel to be there in his office together, behind closed doors. We worked together. They would all just assume that we were discussing an upcoming business strategy or a deal or something. Or that we were maybe on a conference call together.

We could do this, if we wanted to. And right then, I realized that I really, really wanted to.

I slid off Daniel’s lap, kneeling gracefully between his legs, running my hands up his thick, muscular thighs and reaching for his belt. I licked my lips, watching as Daniel’s eyes darkened, his cock twitching in his pants. But before I could push his pants and boxers out of the way, long before I could get my mouth on him, there was a knock at the door.

I groaned silently, putting my head down against Daniel’s leg. What a time to be interrupted. It was like the universe wanted to keep us on edge. To force us to stick to the rules that we had set out what felt like so long ago now. But I knew we had no choice but to answer it.

I sighed and pushed myself to my feet. “Tonight,” I promised Daniel in a low voice. “When we’re home alone. I promise I’ll show you just how grateful I am.” My voice was already husky and raw with desire, as though I’d already had his length in my mouth for hours on end.

Daniel grimaced but nodded at me, redoing his belt buckle. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Would you answer that? I’m a little...” He trailed off, gesturing toward the obvious tent in the front of his slacks.

I smirked at him and headed for the door. When I opened it, Erin was standing there, and I could tell from the sly grin on her face that she had some idea of exactly what she had interrupted. She wasn’t just here to keep us from doing lewd things in the office, though. She had a stack of documents in one hand.

“These are for you, Daniel,” she said as I stepped back to let her into the office. “It’s the notes on our latest business undertakings, just like you asked for. Progress for each of the projects, earnings projections, all that sort of thing.”

Daniel nodded and then tipped his head toward me. “Why don’t you give those to my partner, the new co-CEO of McGregor Enterprises,” he said smoothly. “She’ll make sure it’s all spick and span.”

The grin on Erin’s face widened as she turned toward me. “Co-CEO, huh?” she asked. “Congratulations! I guess those are the perks of sleeping with the boss?”

I blushed horribly, even though I knew she meant it as a joke. I knew that was exactly the line that the media was going to take when they found out about my promotion. That the only reason I had risen in the company was because Daniel and I were dating. Well, I’d just have to show all of them. I was here because of my hard work, dedication, and intelligence.

Sleeping with Daniel was just an added bonus.

Still, the smile on Erin’s face and the quick hug that she gave me soothed my indignation at those words. “You deserve it for putting up with him,” she teased.

Daniel raised his eyebrow at Erin, but he didn’t seem offended either. In fact, it was the most relaxed I had seen him around his employees since I had first started working there. Maybe people really could change over time.

“Careful, Erin,” he said mock warningly. “Even when we go off to Thailand, remember that I’m still your boss.”

Erin gave him an ironic bow and backed toward the door. “So true, boss,” she said, smirk still firmly in place. She winked at me. “Abby, let me know if you have any questions as you’re going over all of that.”

“Will do,” I said, grinning at her.

Tags: Lexy Timms Counting the Billions Romance