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Bryan’s tongue danced along my breasts, kissing every spot he knew made me shiver. We had sunken to the floor, taking up residence on the carpet of our shared bedroom. His languid hands, built up with calluses, roamed around the growing curves of my body. But I didn’t want to be on my back this time.

This time, I wanted to be in control.

I lifted myself up and pulled Bryan to the floor. I rolled us over and straddled his pelvis, my wetness dripping onto his growing thickness. My lips peppered his neck with kisses as my pregnant stomach pressed into his abdomen. I felt beautiful in his arms. I felt wanted in the way his eyes raked over my body. He was grunting and groaning as his cock pulsed against my folds, begging for entrance into my body.

Even as swollen as I was, I felt like the most beautiful woman in the world.

Planting my hands on his chiseled chest, I rolled my hips and captured his dick. It slid effortlessly into my body, pulling a moan from my throat. He filled me so perfectly. He hit every single spot that made me jolt. My knees sank into the carpet as my legs spread for him. His hands descended onto my hips, and he gripped me tightly. Our eyes connected as we both began to pant, and I could feel him throbbing against my walls.

“Please move,” Bryan said. “Just do something.”

I loved the sound of his begging.

Slowly, I dug my hips into his. Bryan’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as my body swallowed him down. My stomach settled onto his, and my breasts brushed along his chest. My stretch marks were glowing in the limelight of the moon streaming through the curtains. Everything about me was on display as I rocked against his hips, every single imperfection that had ever arisen since my body started molding and changing. Yet I felt perfect in the arms of the man I loved.

Faster and faster I rolled, desperate to chase my own release. My clit was poking out from underneath its fleshy hood, seeking any friction it could gain. Bryan’s hand moved from my hip and grazed over my stomach, sinking between my legs as it found my sensitive bud.

My head fell back, and I gasped as his hips came up to pound into mine.

Fluids were slicked everywhere as our juices spread along our skin. Bryan’s fingers circled my swollen clit, driving me to the edge of pleasure with his girth filling me to the brim. I lost myself in the feel of his body as my brow began to sweat. Lewd and luscious sounds dripped from my lips as my head grew dizzy. Stars burst in my vision as his fingers moved faster, drawing on the heat building beneath the tips of my


“Bryan. Holy shit, please.”

“You have no idea how wonderful you look right now. Fuck. Hailey. Just like that. Don’t stop. So close.”

I rutted against him as my walls pulled him deeper. His thumb pressed into my body, sending me catapulting over the edge. My hands slammed down onto his chest as I shook on top of him, my legs contracting, and my jaw unhinged in silent pleasure. I panted and moaned as high-pitched sounds made their way up my throat. I could feel my arousal pooling between his legs and coating his body with my scent.

His hands dug into me, holding me close. He released within me as my name dripped from his lips.

I collapsed onto him, and he instinctively rolled me over. Our bodies lay there, shaking and trembling as we recovered from our lust-filled passion. My leg was slung over his hip as he stayed buried inside of me, his cock harder than ever as we both caught our breath.

I opened my eyes and found Bryan staring at me, a grin on his cheeks and a healthy glow behind his eyes.

“I could have never asked for a better life partner,” he said.

“Even with everything I’ve done wrong?” I asked.

“It takes time to work out the kinks in a relationship. We still have them. But we’re working through them, and that’s what matters.”

He knew. He knew I was hiding something from him, but I couldn’t let that taint our moment. I couldn’t let that taint the perfect night we had experienced with one another.

“I love you, Bryan McBride.”

“And I love you, Hailey McBride.”

“We really have a lot going for us, don’t we?” I asked.

“Sure we do,” he said as he rolled me onto my back.

I groaned as he seated himself between my legs.

“We have this beautiful house.”

He thrust into me and pulled a gasp from my lips.

“We have a beautiful child on the way.”

Tags: Lexy Timms Brush of Love Romance