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“I found you Drew, didn’t I?” I asked.

“I found Drew. When I came to visit you last year over the Fourth of July.”

“Semantics. We’re going to find you a good man who knows how to treat you right,” I said.

“Drew treated me just fine.”

“Funny, I never said anything about that.” I grinned at my sister, and she rolled her eyes at me. I knew she was still stuck on Drew, but if she wasn’t going to make the first move, there was nothing I could do. I didn’t know Drew well enough to poke him on his end, and I was tired of watching those

two dance around one another. I would help her find someone to spend her time with, and it could go one of two ways. Either it would give her the stress release she needed, or it would help her see how much she missed Drew.

Either way, it distracted me from this crap that had kicked up in the gallery. And I was looking for any type of distraction from it.

“Well, I appreciate the help,” Anna said.

“Perfect. Now, where are those damn diaper pails?”

Chapter 9


“Morning, handsome. What are you doing already dressed?”

The sound of Hailey’s voice always put a smile on my face in the morning. I loved waking up to her body pressed against mine. She always had her leg snaked in between my thighs, and my hands always seemed to gravitate toward her belly. Her musky smell in the morning drew me to her. It reminded me of all the things we had overcome and how she was still lying here in my arms. I loved burying my face into her neck and drinking her in, kissing her shoulder until she stirred before slipping between her legs and reminding her of how breathtaking she was to me.

But I was anxious to check on the house today, and I was hoping I could sneak out before she woke up.

“Sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to wake you. Just got some foundation work to check up on today.”

“On a Sunday?” Hailey asked.

“Unfortunately. It shouldn’t take long. I’m not laying it myself, but I need to make sure it’s being done properly. We officially open a project tomorrow, but it’s supposed to be rainy on and off all day. If we pour today, we can tarp the concrete and get it set before the bad weather rolls in.”

“That makes sense,” she asked. “Just don’t be too long. This is our day off together, and we promised each other we wouldn’t work.”

“Well, how about this? I could come back with something wonderful to eat for lunch, and then we have a naked movie marathon?”

“Bryan, you know we never get through movies when we do one of those,” she said, giggling.

“That’s the point,” I said with a grin.

I slipped my shirt over my head before I walked over toward Hailey. I sat down on the edge of the bed as she smiled up at me, giving me her sweetest tired gaze before I pressed a kiss to her forehead. She was angelic in the mornings, untainted by her insecurities and rejuvenated with a good night’s rest. They were fewer and farther between with her now that she was so far into her pregnancy, but I could tell by the look in her eye that last night had been a good night.

“Did you sleep well?” I asked.

“For the first time in awhile,” Hailey said.

“Good. You just keep getting some rest, and I’ll be back by lunch. I promise,” I said.

“I guess,” she said. “If you insist.”

She burrowed back down into the covers, and I pressed one last kiss to her cheek. I didn’t actually have foundation work to do today. There was some going on, but that wasn’t where my sights were set. I was going to go check on the house and see how it was going, especially since I had finally gotten Foreman Jack that damn wallpaper.

I wanted to see if they had put it up yet.

I grabbed my things and left Hailey in bed as I traveled to the site. I was anxious to see what type of progress the guys had made. We were within days of having this entire thing finished, and I was getting excited. I couldn’t wait to reveal the surprise to Hailey nor could I wait to start furnishing the place. I would put all the most comfortable furniture in it. I was finally going to be able to move my child’s nursery furniture I had made into the nursery. I could feel my excitement bubbling in my stomach as I crested the hill, and when I finally pulled up to the house, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

There wasn’t one worker outside, which meant they were all inside working on the interior.

Tags: Lexy Timms Brush of Love Romance