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"But why didn't you cum, I wonder?" Brad asked.

Melanie crimsoned and just stared at the far wall. But they weren't done embarrassing her. With another snip of the scissors in the air, Brad said, "This bra just isn't slutty enough, Melanie. Let me see what we can do about that."

He delicately cut out two holes around her nipples.

When he was done, he stepped back and admired his handiwork.

"Very nice. Very slutty," Clayton said, giving his friend his approval. Then Clay pulled a phone from his back pocket, held it up, and before Melanie could blink, he took a picture of her with her nipples exposed and a penis gag in her mouth.

She started to cry. Not because she didn't love it—she did—but because it was still embarrassing. How could it turn her on so much to feel so humiliated? But the strange thing was, crying didn't change how turned on she was and how much she wanted them not to stop. Most guys would freak out at the sight of her tears. They'd misunderstand the release those tears gave her. And truthfully, neither Clayton nor Brad had ever seemed to understand her darker desires before now.

Something had changed though, because Clay said, "Ah, Melanie, what a pretty picture that is. You're pretty when you cry. But something's missing…"

"Her cunt," Brad said in a way that bordered on reverence and contempt.

He pulled his belt off and came toward her. When he tried to pull up her skirt she used up every reserved bit of energy she had to kick him hard in the shin. But he was an athlete, so the kick didn't take him down and the pain only seemed to make him more determined. Unlocking her cuffs, he dragged her down to the ground, where it would be so much easier to fuck her, she knew.

Melanie shouted many things over the gag, but they came out muffled. They were, no doubt, obscenities, curses and various sobs as she kept trying to kick. But their calm demeanor, and their easy camaraderie made it hard for her to keep up the fight.

Especially since she didn't want to fight.

She was soaking wet now, her nipples hard, her body outrageously eager to be shared by two men. Even if they were her discarded ex-boyfriends. Maybe especially because it was them.

"Now isn't this a pretty sight?" Brad asked, yanking up her skirt, bunching it up around her waist and then giving a cruel yank to her panties.

That's when he put his fingers onto the crotch and rubbed them there.

"Oh, Melanie, you not only smell lovely, but you're all sticky. I could, if I wanted, assume that this wetness is from before, when you were masturbating in the stacks like a desperate slut. But I think the truth of it is that this is making you wet, isn't it? Feeling your ass on the cold cement of this stairway, immobilized with a gag in your mouth. Can you feel the ridges of that rubber cock in your mouth Melanie? I know you think it's not real, given the way you're biting down on it, but the truth is that's our cock. We're fucking you with it, and it's going to hold your jaw open until it aches until you learn how to behave."

She looked away, refusing to acknowledge him as her mind snapped shut against the barrage of embarrassment. Denial was her best weapon she thought, and so she tried hard not to think about the rubber cock lodged on her tongue, invasive and unyielding. Now that her panties were down around her knees, Clayton snapped another picture, which sent her into renewed screams and struggles.

"Oh, that's going to come out lovely," Clayton said, snapping another of her nipples and another of her bare pussy, commenting on the length and density of the dark hair between her legs. "Your pussy is as juicy and delicious as I remember it," Clayton said. "It just begs to be fucked…"

"You want me to take the gag off?" Brad asked, and she nodded her head slowly.

Clayton interjected, "Then you have to answer a question for us. It's not a hard question, but it has to be an honest answer. And you don't want to try to trick us Melanie, especially not in a situation like this. Were you fantasizing about me when you were fucking yourself in the stacks?"

She shook her head vigorously and spitefully.

He grinned. "But you've masturbated thinking about me before on other occasions haven't you? You've definitely missed being plowed by my big black cock."

He seemed gratified by the shock in her eyes.

Brad let the humiliation sink in as he slowly tugged at her nipples. "Answer his question Melanie. Answer the question and I'll take out the gag."

With a choking sob, Melanie nodded her head.

Clayton liked that answer.

Strangely, Brad seemed to savor it, too. He reached behind her head as he told her, "If you scream, not only will the gag go back on, but no one will hear you anyhow. So don't make us angry." He then gently removed the gag from her mouth, sliding the cock out from between her lips, groaning as he watched it come out. He had to slide it back in and out a few times before withdrawing it completely. "Good girl," Brad said, sliding her panties back up onto her hips and giving her encouragement that her ordeal might be at an end. He massaged her jaw a bit, both to comfort her, she assumed, and to be able to shut her up if she did scream. "Now then, let's discuss your situation. We're going to play with you tonight, and use you, and take everything from you. And you're going to like it. What's more, you're going to hate us for making you love it."

That's when Clayton broke in with, "You'll want to disobey, but you'll find you can't. We have all these pictures to keep you in line. Just think. You can be a porn star. But we won't need the pictures. Because what's going to amaze you, is that you're going to come back to us over and over for more. Tonight's just the first time we'll get to fuck you. You'll be begging us after tonight."

Melanie didn't move or say anything because she was sure it was true. No one had ever had the courage to treat her the way she wanted to be treated, so she stayed very still and clamped her legs shut.

Brad added, "These panties match your bra. My sister once told me that no wo

man ever bothered to match her panties and bra unless she wanted to get fucked. Is that true Melanie? Who did you want to fuck you tonight?"

Tags: Laurel Adams Erotic