Page 13 of Yours Truly, Cammie

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“Let me go grab my bag, and we can go!” I was trying to the hide the giddiness in my voice, but I failed. Miserably.

I ran inside, heels clicking on my hardwood floor, and hurriedly came back to make sure my date was still waiting for me.

When I swung open my front door, it felt like someone was squeezing my throat. NO!

“There she is! My shining star!” Luke. His voice carried a possessive tone and my ears instantly starting burning.

“What? No, I’m not. Go away!”

Jason was beyond confused. “Your shining star? What?”

I looked over at Luke, gave him a glare, and then put my arm in Jason’s.

“Ignore him. I don’t even know him.”

“Stop trying to hide it, Cammie. If he is taking you out, he needs to know about us.”

I felt like I had been slapped.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I exclaimed. Oh, he’s going to freaking get it. He’s going to get it good.

Luke pleaded, “Cammie...”

I ignored every bit of him, even the fact that he looked just as attractive as Jason in just jeans and a freaking t-shirt.

“Let’s go, Jason. He’s nuts, and he’s lying.”

Jason’s pretty blue eyes were full of confusion, but he let me drag him down my concrete steps and all the way to his SUV.

I gave Luke a withering stare. I hope he gets chlamydia tonight from whatever tramp he sleeps with.

Or herpes.

Or syphilis.

Or anything, really.

My fist banging against Luke’s wide, oak door was loud and refreshing. It gave me the slightest outlet for all the anger that I have had hours to simmer in. He made the wrong move tonight. Sure, the date was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing because he’d made me feel like a loser for not having any dates, or any social life, for that matter. But when Jason showed up looking all Damon Salvatore-ish, I couldn’t help but feel thousands of little butterflies swarming around in my stomach. He was the first guy who had actually given me any feeling at all, besides boredom or annoyance (annoyance referring mostly to my run-ins with Luke).

When the door flew open, I didn’t even care if Luke had a girl with him. I was going to ruin his night just like he’d ruined mine. He was such an inconsiderate jerk! I’ve never ruined any nights with his bimbos. I’ve stared at them with a look of disgust on my face, but I’ve never truly ruined his dates, not on purpose, anyway.

“Move.” My palm laid flat on his bare chest, right between those hard pectorals. His skin was flush against mine, but I pushed away the tingles that sparked from my fingertips. He wasn’t expecting a shove, so thankfully, even with my lack of strength, he moved backwards easily.

I brushed past him, heels clanking on the hard floor, and placed my hands on my hips, feeling the silkiness of my pretty, pink dress.

“You totally, fucking cock-blocked me! Why did you do that? Why would you cock-block me, Luke?” I yelled, voice straining. “This is not okay. You’ve taken this little bantering between us way too far this time.” My chest puffed up and down as I stared at his naked torso.

I swallowed quickly as I raked my gaze down his stature. He was still standing near the wide-open door, allowing the breezy fall air to flow inside and surround us. His bare feet were peeking out from below his black sweatpants…and that was all he was wearing. That’s it. Everything else was bare.

Bare naked.

Bare fucking naked.

My mouth parted at the sight of his defined ab muscles, which all led down to one of those devourable Vs that men had when they were in perfect physical condition. His sandy blond hair wasn’t in its usual parted hairstyle; it was disheveled like he had just run his hands through it. My eyes zeroed in on the piece of pizza he was holding in his one open hand, and I literally salivated.

Luke pushed his front door shut, and I continued to stare at the piece of pizza he was so gracefully holding upright.

“Well, hello there, Cammie. Would you like to come in?” He looked at my face and his voice went squeaky. “Oh, sure. Thank you, Luke. By the way, you look fucking amazing without your shirt on. Can I take mine off, too?”

Tags: S.J. Sylvis Romance