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“Let’s do it,” I announced. Certainty had my chest blooming like a flower. Yes. This will work.

“Ollie and I will come by after the races and set up while you guys are at winter formal.”

Ollie’s neck moved so fast in my direction I heard it pop. “Fuck no. You are going to winter formal, and you’re not coming to the races again. I told you yesterday I didn’t want you there, and you came anyway, and I ended up pulling you out of Tank’s fucking trailer afterwards. No.”

God. Was that just last night?

My face instantly grew warm as I shot him a glare. “You aren’t the boss of me, Ollie. And not to mention…” I walked over to him and shoved a finger into his chest. “You banned everyone from taking me to winter formal!”

I forgot I was supposed to be mad at him for that. But lately, it was hard to be anything but grateful since he kept being Mr. Nice Guy and saving the day. It was becoming harder and harder to stay on the other side of that line, especially when I kept getting a glimpse of the true Ollie. He was no longer hiding behind the secret winks and agitating remarks or flirting with girls across the room and staring at me while he did it. Ollie was letting me in, and I secretly loved it.

Ollie grabbed my finger and clutched it within his palm. Skin on skin contact shot sparks to my fingertips. “You’re going to the winter formal. You”—his grip grew firmer—“Are. Not. Going. To. The. Races.”

“Ugh!” I ripped my finger out of his grasp, feeling myself becoming submissive again. We were so hot and cold. Ollie and I were either stuck together like a magnet to metal, or we were two ends of a battery. On or off. There was no in between.

Ollie’s cheeks were becoming red with hidden anger. His bossy side came out in full force. “Eric will take you to the winter formal, right?”

My face fell. Was he serious? No.

Eric shrugged. “I’m cool with it.”

I’m cool with it. Yes. That was what every girl wanted to hear from their date.

“He’s cool with it?” I shot Ollie a look. “What are you? My handler? Not only do I find out you banned guys from asking me out, but now you’re forcing me to go to the dance with your best friend? You’re acting like you're my father or something. Picking my dates out for me now?”

Eric mumbled under his breath. “Why am I always in the middle of this shit?”

Hayley and Christian silently laughed.

“Hey, someone’s gotta do the job. Your parents couldn’t care less.”

“Oh, don’t act like you care or like you’re protecting me by warding off other guys. You’re just making Eric take me so you can make sure I don’t show at the races again.”

Why was I being so difficult about this? That pesky guilty feeling was creeping in again. Ollie and I had gone head to head many times in the past. And sure, he banned other guys from taking me to the dance. But…look at him. He’d been there for me when I needed him. Maybe this was just his way of keeping me safe.


“As interesting as this drama-fest is…” Eric waltzed past us to go lie on the couch in the den area. “Let me know when y’all are finished and what time I should pick ya up, Pipe. There’s no way you’re going to the races. I’m with Ollie on this one. You simply cannot be trusted.”

My mouth dropped. “What! Why?”

Eric’s dark head of hair popped up for a moment. “You know why.” Then, he flopped back down on the couch and started looking at his phone.

I did know why. I lied last night and told him I saw Madeline climbing on the back of some guy's motorcycle, knowing very well it would make him bolt. Madeline was not, in fact, on someone’s motorcycle.

It did, however, prove that Eric was keeping secrets of his own.

I heard Ollie sigh from beside me, and I peered up at him. He inched his head to the door. “Come on, I'll drive you home, and you can continue yelling at me the entire way. It’ll be loads of fun.” His cheek lifted as he stood up and walked out the door. My mouth was still set in a firm line when I glanced at Hayley leaning back into Christian’s arms. They were both grinning like fools.

Everyone thought this was amusing.

I did not.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Look at her. All hot and bothered. Her cheeks were a rosy color of pink, and her eyes appeared feline, like she had morphed into a sneaky cat who was ready to give me cat-scratch fever. I paused, watching her stomp down the cobblestone drive. I’d gladly welcome Piper’s nails digging into my back.

Tags: S.J. Sylvis English Prep Romance