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“Well, excuse the fuck out of me, but I don’t know if I trust you right now. What the hell is going on?”

I stopped right along the side of my car as I glanced over to the crowd past Eric. “It’s a long story.”

He snickered under his breath, running his hand through his dark hair. “I’ve got time.”

“Are you sure you’ve got time? I just saw Madeline climbing on the back of some dude’s motorcycle.” And as if on cue, a motorcycle started up in the distance. Thank you, God.

Eric quickly spun around and searched desperately for the noise. “For fuck’s sake.”

“Go, Eric. I’m going to Hayley’s.”

Eric looked me dead in the eye when he glanced back at me. “Don’t make me regret not following you home, Piper. Right to fucking Hayley’s, alright?”

“Okay, okay. Now, go. And don’t worry,” I shouted as he was rushing away. “My lips are sealed—as long as yours are.”

He gave me one dip of his chin and then jogged away.

Now, I just had to wait in my car until I saw Tank leave.

Then, I could get on with my plan.

Chapter Eighteen


It was funny how quickly anger could take over your body. One minute, you’re laughing, and the next, your blood pressure is rising to an unsteady level. I told Piper to stay home from the races, and I really thought she was going to listen.

But I was wrong.

The second I found her, it was as if my finger was hovering over the trigger of a gun loaded with protectiveness as the bullet. It was ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. I was certain her absence from the races would have helped me focus, but I might have been wrong. I had raced even better knowing she was there watching. I had pushed my foot down on the pedal in hopes that I’d get back to her quicker—that I’d get back to her before Tank ran his devilish eyes down her body.

Tank pocketed six thousand extra tonight from the bets on me, so that meant we owed fourteen more. There was no doubt that the ne

xt two or three races would cover the rest of the money, but then I had to figure out how to get out from under his thumb. I went along with his little scheme of having me work for him, or continuing to race, but that was all for show. I knew pissing him off or challenging him in any way whatsoever would be a bad move. There was a time and place to show dominance to a guy like him, and this wasn’t it.

Tank liked to be in control. He liked people fearing him and obeying him.

I wasn’t that guy, but for now, I’d pretend.

Slamming the door to my Charger, I lazily walked up to the cabin. It didn’t look to be a banger tonight; only a few cars were there—Eric’s, Christian’s, and Jace’s.

My phone lit up as I glanced at the screen, waiting for Piper to text me back, letting me know she made it to Hayley’s, which is where Eric had said she went.

A dull ache nestled into my stomach with each second that passed and she hadn’t texted back, but I took a calming breath and put on a front as I walked through the threshold of the cabin.

The lights were dim as everyone sat in the living room. There was some movie playing on the screen and a box of pizza on the counter.

Christian was the first to look up, and he immediately pressed pause on the remote. Then, all eyes were on me. I swear to God, if Eric told him…


“What up?” I answered, keeping my face relaxed.

Christian tipped his chin to Jace and Max, and they hurriedly got up and went out onto the deck, leaving Eric, Christian, and me in the room.

My nostrils flared at Eric when Christian looked away. He shrugged innocently.

“Did you get Piper pregnant?”

Tags: S.J. Sylvis English Prep Romance