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The case with Tank was just starting to form, and Jason was a prime component of it. But as long as he testified against Tank and didn’t recant on his statement, he would be able to continue the rehab program which was set up by his lawyer. When he finished rehab, he’d be on probation, but that was the extent of it.

Piper was happy he was in rehab, but I could tell she was still a little leery. I saw the distant look in her eye every so often, and I knew it was because she was thinking of him.

I did my best to distract her.

After all, distraction was one of my strong suits.

“Did Hayley tell you guys the news?” Christian was beaming, which was completely unusual for his brooding self.

“It’s really creepy when you do that,” I said.

His brow furrowed as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “What is?”

I snickered. “When you smile.”

He scoffed. “Fuck off.”

Christian and I were still working on things with our father, but now that everything was out in the open, things seemed to be less tense at the house. It was actually pleasant to be home now, and Christian took the news that we were half-brothers a lot better than expected.

Piper sat up a little taller but still kept her body pressed closed to mine. “What’s going on, Hay?”

Hayley tried to hold back a smile. She pushed her hair behind her ear shyly. “I got some college acceptance letters back.”

“And?” Piper asked eagerly.

“I got a full ride to Harvard.”

Piper squealed. “Oh my God! Are you freaking serious?” She flew up out of my lap and rushed to Hayley, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. A bright smile was on her face, and I couldn’t look away even if I wanted. “I am so proud of you! This is so deserved, Hayley!”

“Wait, there’s more,” Christian said smugly.

“More?” Piper asked.

Hayley blushed bashfully. “I also got a full ride to UCLA.”

“UCLA?” Piper’s lips were parted slightly, and I zeroed in on them. “Wait, so you’re going to go to college where Christian is playing football?”

The music got louder in the living room, and I saw Eric coming down into the den with a beer in his hand. He came to stand behind the four of us on the couch.

Piper grinned. “Is this where you tell me you’re going to UCLA, and we’re going to be roomies?”

I leaned forward, garnering her attention. “Wait, you got into UCLA? I thought you wanted to go to Stanford?”

Piper bit her lip and looked from me to Hayley, then back to me. “My parents wanted me to go to Stanford. I also applied to UCLA. I got my acceptance letter yesterday.”

“Wait, so you’re going to UCLA? Why didn’t you tell me?”

UCLA was the closest university to Pike Valley in terms of distance, and it was always the plan for Christian and me both to go there and play football after English Prep. But now Piper, too? And Hayley?

Piper played coy. Her light freckles scattered across her tinted cheeks. “I…I don’t know. I mean, the plan was to go to Stanford, but then I thought about when I’d have to leave you, or Hayley, or heck”—she giggled—“even Christian or Eric, and it made me feel…lost. I wanted to go to Stanford so I could get farther away from the constant stress of Jason popping up, but now that things are a little better, the thought of being so far isn’t as appealing. Especially now.” She blushed even harder.

I grinned, standing up from the couch and pulling her to her feet. I tucked my hands into the back pockets of her jeans, cupping her butt. “And here I thought this next year would suck with everyone leaving me behind. You won’t be far from me at all.”

Her nose scrunched, and her green eyes twinkled. It was fucking adorable. “I don’t think I could ever leave you.”

She bit her lip and glanced at everyone else.

My voice boomed over the speakers. “Well then, I guess it’s decided. The fab five will live on for many years to come. I wonder what other shit we can get ourselves into.”

Tags: S.J. Sylvis English Prep Romance