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‘‘You won’t think so when you hear why,’’ Jim said.

‘‘My name is Chesty Whittaker,’’ he said, putting out his hand to Bitter.

‘‘Ed Bitter,’’ Bitter said.

‘‘He’s Brandon Chambers’s nephew,’’ Jim said.

‘‘Then you’re twice welcome,’’ Chesty said.

‘‘My father is Chandler Bitter, Mr. Whittaker,’’ Bitter said. ‘‘Aren’t you acquainted?’’

‘‘What is Chan Bitter’s son doing with these thugs?’’ Whittaker asked.

‘‘Being embarrassed by this one,’’ Jim said. ‘‘And going to China with the other one.’’

Chesty Whittaker looked quickly at Canidy.

‘‘You went to the AVG, Dick?’’

Canidy nodded.

‘‘I hope you know what you’re doing,’’ Whittaker said.

‘‘It has something to do with saving the world for democracy, and a lot more to do with six hundred a month,’’ Canidy said.

‘‘You heard Jim’s going to the Philippines?’’ Chesty Whittaker asked.

Canidy nodded.

Chesty Whittaker gave his hand to Cynthia Chenowith.

‘‘It’s good to see you, my dear,’’ he said. ‘‘And thank you.’’

‘‘I’m happy to be asked,’’ she said.

‘‘Could I impose even further and ask you to amuse these two while Jim and I are off to see the king?’’

‘‘I’d be happy to,’’ she said. ‘‘We were just talking about it.’’

No one who hadn’t seen Chesty Whittaker sneaking out of her apartment in the wee hours would ever suspect they were lovers, Canidy thought.

Another man entered. Chesty turned and greeted him, and then he introduced the newcomer to the others.

‘‘I want you to meet my lawyer friend, Mr. Stanley Fine


Fine shook hands with Cynthia, Canidy, and Bitter.

As their eyes met, Canidy knew who Fine was.

‘‘We’ve met,’’ he said. ‘‘Professionally.’’

There was no recognition in Fine’s eyes.

‘‘The charge was arson,’’ Canidy said.

‘‘My God,’’ Fine said after a moment. ‘‘Reverend Canidy’s son, right?’’

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Men at War Thriller