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Flynn looked her over and stepped closer.

“Wolves.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck. She immediately hugged him.

“There are wolves around here? Would they attack the dogs?” she asked all concerned, and Fisher was touched by her concern. It seemed she was growing fond of all the males in the house, even the ones on four legs.

“They’re smart. Magnum, Charles, and Clint won’t go looking for trouble,” he told her as he moved his hand under the large sweatshirt she wore. She shivered and hugged him tighter.

“Do you think the wolves are a potential problem? Last we heard, a pack did some damage to the Murphy’s livestock. Maybe we should give Grey a call and tell Wyatt about the wolves?” Ford asked.

“It’s a good idea. They’ve never come this close to our land and the house. They could be sniffing out our boys here,” Fisher said and pet Charles on the head. The dogs were staying right near India. Fisher thought it was interesting how they protected the one female of the house. It made him think of the potential in this relationship, and how guarded and cared for India would be if she stayed here with them. It was something no one wanted to discuss any time soon.

“Oh no. We can’t let those wolves near them,” India said all concerned as she pet the dogs and then held Magnum by his face and made kissy noises. The dog licked her nose and she chuckled.

“What the hell are you doing?”

They all turned to see Fenton in the doorway staring at India and then the others in disbelief.

“You can’t talk to them like that, India. You guys should not allow this,” Fenton barked at them. Fisher watched India’s expression as she crossed her arms and then glared at Fenton.

“They love the attention,” she responded.

Fenton gave a command and the dogs exited the room.

She uncrossed her arms, her expression disappointed that he made them leave when she was obviously enjoying caring for them. Something was up with Fenton.

“They’re guard dogs, not pocketbook dogs,” he replied.

“What is a pocketbook dog?” she asked.

“You should know,” he stated.

“Me? How would I know what that is? I never had a dog. My parents never allowed it. They were neat freaks,” she blurted out.

It was the first bit of information about her family any of them had gotten from her. She never mentioned them again, only the fact that they wouldn’t allow a dog in their home. Fisher knew that she and Silas were the only children. He wondered why Fenton was in such a rotten mood.

“Just drop it. Quit talking to the dogs like they’re babies.”

“Quit being a jerk,” she said and turned away.

“I’m a jerk?” he asked.

“Glad that you admitted it. I mean really, Fenton. What’s the big deal? They are part of your family, aren’t they?”

“What’s the big deal? The big deal is that they’re soldiers and they have a job to do which is to protect this house, all of us and you, too.”

“Well they can do a pretty damn good job at that being right here beside us as we love them and pet them. They’re loyal, smart dogs. If I talk to them like that it doesn’t mean they’ll get weak and screw up. I mean really, Fenton, you believe that?”

“Yes,” he growled. “If we let down our defenses, that’s when the enemy strikes. If we show weakness, that’s when we open ourselves up for pain. You don’t get it. You’re a pampered city girl who gets everything by the snap of your fingers. Put you in the mist of danger and you’re as good as dead,” he snapped then walked out of the room.

Fisher couldn’t believe how harsh Fenton was being. He didn’t get it. But before anyone could console India, she stormed out of the room after Fenton.

* * * *

Fenton was furious. He told himself that he wasn’t going to overthink the information he got from Dmitri. He wasn’t going to analyze the text messages on India’s phone that he had in his possession. They had her phone to monitor if the Russians tried to contact her but instead a bunch of friends called her. Then a bunch of men. Two in particular talked about wanting to see her, and how they missed her and if she needed company or a bedside aide that they would be there. He was a man. He knew what the fuck that meant. They wanted to fuck her.

Well that wasn’t going to happen. It pissed him off so much that he hadn’t even gotten up or headed downstairs early like usual.

He got to his bedroom and paced the room when the door slammed open. There stood India. She was angry, her fists by her side as she stood there and stared at him.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic