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“You need to soak and relax those sore muscles. Afterwards, we’ll ease that other ache, baby.” Grey winked and India smiled and nodded her head.

“We’ll see,” Fisher countered and gave a firm expression that got India pouting and Grey smirking.

Fisher pulled the covers the rest of the way off her body, and he absorbed her skin. Harsh red welts and bruising covered her ribs. He knew that the men who hurt her kicked her and punched her there. The slimy fucking bastards.

He reached for her and she came willingly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, instantly making Fisher fall deeper for her.

“Hold on, India, I’ve got you.” He was shocked at how hard his voice sounded. How the need to not feel vulnerable, weak, overtook how he really wanted to react to her. He had to hold back. He couldn’t allow her, anyone to know how weak she made him. He was a soldier, and soldiers never showed weakness.

* * * *

Grey took in the sight of India’s body as Fisher gently placed her into the Jacuzzi tub.

Her breasts were beautiful and her shyness as she tried to cover them from their view was priceless.

“It’s a little late for modesty, sweets. We’ve seen and shared all of you. Never hide what’s ours,” Grey said and reached out and softly caressed her cheek.

She moaned as she slid deeper under the bubbles in the tub.

“For the record, I’ve never done anything like that before. I’m a single-lover woman. Or at least I used to be.”

Jealousy ruled his response as he squinted and held her gaze. “Never speak of any other men than the five of us. Understood?” he asked, holding her chin. She nodded her head and Fisher was shocked at how intense Grey spoke, but also how similar his own feelings were about her statement.

He didn’t care to know how many men had the opportunity to share her bed. There wouldn’t be any others. Not now, not ever again.

* * * *

India couldn’t believe how intense and possessive Grey and Fisher were being. First of all, they were so big, in every aspect of the word. They had large muscles, even larger personalities, and big cocks. They were intimidating, powerful, resourceful, and so damn sexy she felt like she was losing all ability to think for herself and heed caution here. Instead it was like full throttle, step on the gas pedal and don’t let off unless we crash.

She wasn’t a wild, no consequences individual who felt she was immortal. She knew that taking on a love

r was emotional and opened her heart up for pain. Giving so intimately of the body also meant giving so deeply and intimately of the mind and soul. Anyone who was callous, stupid, and uneducated enough to think of sex as just physical and nothing deeper were plain liars. Sex, connecting as one in that way, was life changing. There were instant connections and a bond formed that could not be easily broken. Times that by five, and hell yeah, she had to be out of her fucking mind.

She was already thinking about what could come of this. Could they have a future together? What about Chicago? Her career? Her friends and social circles? What about her past lovers? She wasn’t embarrassed or regretful. She was so fucking organized and anal about her life, her job, and everything else that she legitimately did a thorough background check on the men she had sex with. She was the powerful one. She was the one in control, not the men. Yet here she was getting turned on by five men who gave orders, who expected respect, and who basically looked at her as if she were in need of their manliness, their protection, and their capabilities. What exactly were they capable of besides fucking up her entire prerequisite checklist she always had before contemplating sex? Why did she find herself wanting to please them? Why did she get all giddy and silly inside at hearing them claim possession and hint of jealousy and keeping her forever? Was she really into such barbaric, prehistoric ideals of men possessing women?

She looked at two of the said five men and yep. All previous misconceptions, criteria, protocol, and strategic planning to secure her heart were gone. She was flying by the seat of her pants now and that was it.

“This feels great. I’m sure the aches and pains will ease,” she told them as they remained in the bathroom just sitting there on guard.

“Good. Just take your time. We don’t want you feeling any pain,” Grey said.

She gulped. There he was again, making such a macho statement that aroused her so. Her pussy ached, her breasts tingled. She was aroused and nothing else mattered.

“I feel so protected here. Like nothing can hurt me, yet I lose that feeling when I’m caught in a nightmare,” she admitted, and she didn’t know why she brought it up.

Grey caressed her shoulder then brought the washcloth up and began washing her back.

“You went through a traumatic experience. You must have been so scared,” he added.

“I’d never been so scared before. Living and working in Chicago, a woman has to take precautions. I kept thinking about what I did wrong that night. I’m always aware of what goes on around me. But I guess the sound of the squealing tires and the way the dark van skidded up to the curb shocked me. The doors opened and before I could even turn to run, they grabbed me.”

She felt her heart racing and then she moved away from Grey’s touch and wrapped her arms around herself.

“I’m sure you did all the right things, India, but men like this are well trained. They know how to move in quickly in a shock-and-awe effect,” Fisher told her. She looked at him, and felt the tears in her eyes.

“They were so big. Their fists, their kicks and touches were hard and painful.”

“Don’t, sweetie. Don’t do this to yourself,” Fisher told her, then he ran a thumb along her jaw. She locked gazes with him.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic