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Flynn began to tell her about the twenty acres of land and about some of the things they enjoyed doing on the estate.

“So you took that picture of the sunset, that’s hanging in the front entryway?” she asked Flynn.

“Sure did. I go out really early every morning to take pictures of the sunrise and sometimes in the evening when the sun is setting. I find it relaxing.”

“I bet you do. I’ve always respected the abilities and a photographer’s eye for photographing things so perfectly. I especially like those that catch nature or even people without them knowing. You know, candid shots with natural expressions. It can be so intriguing to look at a photograph and try to figure out what was going through the subject’s head. Could you imagine catching that moment of happiness and joy at hearing exciting news? Or even the sadness, so pure as the deep emotion itself? God, that is really great that you’re a photographer. I bet you have a bunch of portfolios of your work. Anything you would be willing to share with me?” she asked.

“Of course. If you really want to see them,” he said and Ford had to hide the smile inside. Things were changing here. They were all attracted to India.

But how could something like this happen? They had a job to do. This wasn’t supposed to get complicated, so why was he feeling like that’s exactly what was happening here?

They continued to eat and talk as the country music played in the background. Ford wondered why he was analyzing the situation and thinking about what it would be like to have a woman living in their home. To have India live here with them and be their lover. He gulped.

“So, how do you like living in Chicago? Is it very busy all the time with a lot of traffic?” Ford asked her.

“It’s not like New York or anything but it’s busy. There are a lot of businesses and corporations around. Then on the outskirts are all different types of homes, including mansions and high-end places. I have a penthouse in a great building. I purchased it about two years ago.”

“A penthouse? That’s big bucks,” Ford said and then leaned back and crossed his arms in front of his chest. This information was another indicator of how out of their league India was.

“It is. I guess because of work and everything and having so many friends in the city, I thought I would love it. Truth is, I’m hardly ever there. I’m usually working from the client’s place, and then running home for a quick shower, change of clothes, barely even a bite to eat even in the morning. It’s a chaotic schedule, but I don’t mind.”

“Sounds kind of lonely to me. Like not having time to enjoy such a lavish home and being alone,” Flynn said as he held her gaze.

“I don’t mind it. I’m used to being alone more often than not. Silas is my only family. Believe me, I would love to be able to stay home and cook some meals, maybe even bake a little, but it just doesn’t work into my schedule. The client dinners and lunches and of course my friends. They’re a wild bunch and from Wednesday night on it’s a party in the evenings.”

“Wednesday night? That’s the middle of the week,” Ford told her.

“I know. But not for them. There’s the club scene, the who’s who in Chicago get-togethers, and the parties where everyone promotes their work, networks, and gains access to potential jobs. It’s very intense when you think about it, but it’s how us business people keep in the forefront of our industries.”

“Damn, it sounds exhausting. Do you get tired of it?” Ford asked her.

“Sometimes. But every day just seems to flow into the next, so I really just do what I have to. Like I said, the worst part is living alone and not really being able to enjoy the penthouse.”

“Well, what do you think about Texas?” Flynn asked her.

“It’s different, and a lot slower paced. I’ve been to Salvation and heard wonderful things about Tranquility. Pearl seems similar in a lot of ways from how you describe the town and the people living here.”

“Salvation is very nice. You’re right, though. Both places are a lot like Pearl.”

“How about we clean up from breakfast and you can check out that porch swing?” Flynn asked her and she smiled. It affected Ford as he held her gaze.

“Maybe for a little bit. I’m feeling a bit sore.”

“Of course you are. You’ve been pushing it every day and earlier, you did that hip-shaking dance for Fenton,” Flynn teased and India chuckled.

“I think I shocked him.”

“I’d say we all enjoyed it,” Ford told her and winked.

It felt so normal to flirt with her and get to know her.

“Why is Fenton so hard to talk to and so closed up? Is it because of his time in the service?” she asked.

They both looked at her.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. It’s none of my business,” she quickly added.

“He’s a good man, India. He’s been through a lot in life. He’s trustworthy, though,” Flynn assured her. She nodded her head and stood up, prepared to help them. But she went to walk and she cringed a little as she stretched her muscles.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic