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She still stared at the eggs and he helped her to take the first bite as she nodded, acknowledging his statement.

He released her hand and let her finish in silence as they all went about their business, making breakfast and scrapping pieces of bacon as soon as they came out of the frying pan. They joked around. A little. She felt it was done to appease her fear.

How was she going to handle this without Aspen? She relied on her just as much Aspen relied on India.

Please let me get stronger and stronger. I can’t be weak. These men, Fenton, will eat me alive.

She nearly fell off the stool, her heart leaping to her chest as the sound of barking and excitement echoed from the hallway.

She dropped her fork and turned, her side hitting the counter at the island just as they came into view.

Three huge German Shepherds came barreling down the hallway and straight into the kitchen.

Grey stood in front of her, made a signal with his hand, and the three dogs immediately sat down, going from attack killer mode to instant attention.

It was only then she noticed the hand on her shoulder and another wrapped around her waist from behind. Fenton held her tight as if he were preparing to haul her off the chair. Was he going to feed her to the wolves or rescue her in case they attacked? She didn’t know as she began having trouble breathing.

“They’re not going to hurt you,” Grey said.

“Oh shit. We didn’t realize that India was up and in here. Crap,” Fisher said as he and Flynn entered the room.

The three dogs panted in front of her. They were trying to sniff but Grey was keeping them at bay.

She liked dogs, but these things were the biggest freaking German Shepherds she had ever laid eyes on. The shock of them coming at her was the last thing she needed.

She kept her hand over her chest and felt Fenton ease his arm from around her waist to rub her back. Instead of making her feel better, it aroused her and she was shocked. How the fuck could she feel an attraction to Mr. Personality, or to any of these men for that matter?

She took a few steady breaths as Fenton continued to rub her back.

“They’re just very protective. We’ve kept them from the house as much as possible since you got here so they wouldn’t disturb your sleep,” Fisher explained, joining them.

“Magnum, Clint, Charles, meet India,” Fisher introduced them.

“Hold out your hand to greet them,” Flynn said as he took her hand. She locked gazes with him a moment. The crew-cut blond hair and deep blue eyes made him seem so approachable and sweet.

She reached out and sure enough the dogs, one by one, lifted their paws for her to shake.

“Let them sniff you. Get your scent so they know it’s okay for you to be here even if one of us isn’t nearby,” Fenton said from behind her. Although he wasn’t touching her, she felt him behind her. She even felt a bit protected because of him. Every time the man spoke she felt this vibration inside of her body.

Slowly she eased down off the stool and the dogs sniffed her. Magnum nudged his big snoot under her hand and then licked. She chuckled as she lowered to her knee, a bit wobbly, and all three dogs began to lick and sniff her. One laid his head on her shoulder and whimpered.

“Well shit, they’re really laying it on thick,” Grey declared and then shook his head. The men were gathered around her as well as the dogs. Their fur was fluffy and they really were quite affectionate.

“Can you blame them?” Ford asked, eyeing India over. She locked gazes with him and her entire body felt tense and tingled.

He held her gaze longer than a glance, and she couldn’t help but to think he found her attractive. It was crazy, but she felt the atmosphere begin to shift to a different feeling.

“They like you, India. That’s good. They’re really good judges of character,” Flynn complimented as he pet the dogs. His forearm brushed against her hip as he bent down close. She glanced at him. He was trim and muscular. He gave her a soft smile.

“Do you like dogs?” he asked.

“I always wanted one, but my parents never let Silas and I get one,” she told him as she pet Charles. Magnum nudged her hand for her to give him attention, too, and then Clint rolled over onto his back. She chuckled.

“Why was that?” Flynn asked her.

“I think they didn’t want the responsibility for one. They said they were allergic, but they just didn’t want to be bothered.”

“It’s a shame. Dogs can really be great for children,” Ford added.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic