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“Without you? Why the hell would we do that?” Drake asked.

“Okay, that was Blaze Weathers, from the bureau,” Mark said as he interrupted the conversation. “I may have to head out to Arizona for a meeting with the staff. It seems like Brenda’s disappearance definitely has to do with that case we worked on. Weathers is bringing in the entire team.”

“What about our plan to talk with Diane?” Drake asked.

“It may have to wait until I clear this up.” Mark replied.

“How long will you be gone?” Lucas asked.

Mark released an annoyed breath. “I don’t think very long. From what Weathers explained, it seems they want to go over the case and some updated information of some loose ends none of us were aware of. To be honest with you, Weathers thinks that Brenda’s commander is suspicious. I don’t know how I can be of help with loose ends when I was only involved as support for her team after I did what I needed to do.”

“Loose ends?” Drake asked.

“Yeah, I know. I don’t like the sound of that either,” Lucas added.

“I agree. Sounds like someone fucked up somewhere. I know I did my part. It was a pretty simple extrication of one individual from a security facility. Everything else that was going on had to do with Brenda and the rest of the team.”

“Listen, I don’t have to leave until tonight. Let’s head into town to have lunch. I’ll feel better if I can see Diane before I go. If you two get an opportunity to talk with her, start letting her know how we feel. I’m tired of waiting. If it’s not this case, it’s another, or some other operation we’re working on. No more excuses. Let’s just let her know how we feel.” Mark told them. Drake agreed, but Lucas tried to make an excuse to stay behind.

“I’ve got a lot of work to do and orders to fill,” Lucas stated.

“We’re ahead and doing well. You can take a lunch break,” Drake added as Mark grabbed his keys.

“I have stuff in the fridge. I didn’t need to go into town,” Lucas added.

“We need to go in anyway so we can get the orders from the hardware store. You and I will head out in your truck, and Mark can go before us.”

“Perfect. You guys grab a table for us and I’ll just stop in the boutique to get my Diane fix,” Mark said, smiling. But Drake could tell that his brother was still concerned about the situation. He hoped that this wasn’t something more serious and dangerous. Not now. Not when they planned to settle down and leave the dangers of military life behind them. Drake couldn’t help but feel concerned and on edge. He was worried, and he hoped that Mark knew what he was doing.

* * * *

“Hey, sis, ya wanna wipe the drool off your chin and get over here to help your pregnant sister organize this rack of dresses?” Melissa asked Diane as Diane stared out the window.

“I’m not drooling,” Diane said with an attitude, but she did swipe her arm against her lips in case she was. Agent Mark Santos was the sexiest man alive, and his brothers were just as good looking. But they were a hard bunch to read. They were tough, rough around the edges, and whenever she saw them in town at one of the events, she would catch them staring and then looking away. It made her feel confused, and yet completely aroused. Lucas made her most nervous, which was strange. He was the quietest, had the darkest, most lost look in his eyes, yet Drake was the one with the scars.

Mark had been all over her about the damn tire again at the town festival. Did he really think she wasn’t capable of changing a flat tire? Then to know that he called Willie and she got another round of reprimanding pissed her off. She needed to be more assertive. But she couldn’t be with Mark. He was too in control and bossy. He intimidated her.

Diane walked over and reached into the box to hang some of the new dresses that came in from the catalogues.

“You know Mark comes in here once a week just to see you?” her sister asked, as she hung another dress on the rack. It was red, with sequins along the collar, and sleeveless. Perfect for the summer which was halfway over.

“He does not,” Diane replied and felt her cheeks warm. Mark came in here to buy another woman some sexy undergarments. With how many pieces he’d bought, the man could open up his own lingerie store.

She hung the next dress rather abruptly as the anger and jealousy hit her belly. It really piss

ed her off, but what could she do about it? She was shy, quiet, and a virgin with exquisite taste in fine lingerie. Those three brothers were out of her league, a hell of a lot older and more experienced, and they hadn’t made any concrete efforts, just subtle ones. She didn’t want subtle, she wanted downright full throttle.

“I know you like him, and I know that he and his brothers like you,” Melissa stated.

“Bologna! Just stop trying to play matchmaker. Those men are too experienced, too old, too angry all the time to even be considered dating material,” Diane said, but just thinking about dating one of them, never mind three of them, made her nipples harden and other parts react. She’d read enough love stories, erotic romance novels, hell, even saw some videos to know what potential a bedroom, her sexy lingerie, and the right men could have. But she didn’t want to just give up her virginity to anyone. She wanted to feel loved, cherished, and appreciated for her body, her mind, and her personality. She didn’t want to vie for their attention. Or worry about her body and how she looked in comparison to other women with perfect figures. If they liked her, they would have come straight out and told her by now. No, they were into one-night stands. One-night stands with women who got to wear the lingerie she sold Mark. She practically felt the fire run through her veins.

“Maybe they’re angry because you don’t flirt back when they flirt with you?” Melissa asked.

Diane swung her head toward her pregnant sister. She had the perfect life. Three sexy men who adored her, a baby boy, and another on the way due to arrive this fall.

“How the hell can I flirt with Mark when he comes in looking to buy lingerie and sexy things for some woman he’s having sex with? That’s just asking to be another flavor of the week, a sex partner, and a meaningless screw. I don’t want that. I could get that by hanging out at the dance halls every Friday and Saturday night. You asked me to move out here with you, and it seems to me that all the good men are being snatched up left and right. I need to expand my horizons. Maybe take the girls up on the weekend trips to Dallas, Houston, or even San Antonio.”

“That’s not true. The Santos men like you. They have their eyes on you. Why the hell do you think they all moved out here last year after the whole Sage incident? Mark loved the place, and you caught his eye. He told his brothers, who just got out of the service and were looking for a calmer place to settle down and work on their craft. Going out with the girls looking for some fling or exciting adventure will only lead to trouble. You know what they say? The grass always looks greener on the other side. Besides, didn’t going out with them the other night cause some aggravation for you?” Melissa asked.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic