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“Your phone has been going off like crazy,” Sage told her.

“Why? The guys knew that I was shooting today.”

“Well, I kind of sent out a few pictures to Mark at his request.”

“What? Sage, he’s going to flip out.”

“Well, it was part of the contract Matt made me commit to.”

“Oh brother.” Diane quickly got behind the curtain and started to change into regular clothes.

Before Diane could make the call, Monique entered the room.

“How did you like it?”

“I loved it. I mean at first I was so scared, but Michael was amazing. He made me feel comfortable and I understood what he wanted.”

“Great. Tonight there’s going to be a huge party in the hotel. We have a lot of bigwigs coming. There will be some time to come up with who makes the catalogue but I think you’ll definitely be in it. You had a lot of stunning shots.”

Diane felt a little disappointed. Maybe things didn’t go so well. There was no guarantee that she would be in the catalogue after all.

“Hey, you did wonderfully. I’m so glad that you came here and accepted my offer. In a week or so we’ll talk more. I’ll let you know if you made the catalogue or if you’ll need to come back for a chance at the next one, okay?”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“Oh, and accounting will send you a check for the work you did today.”

“A check?”

“Of course. You get paid for modeling, Diane. And the really good ones get paid a lot.”

“Oh, okay. Thank you.”

Monique said good-bye to Sage and that she would see them tonight.

“Holy cow. How much do you think you’ll get paid?”

“I have no idea. I just feel kind of disappointed.”

“Disappointed, why?”

“It sounded like I may not have even made the catalogue. That was exhausting.”

“Hey, you looked fabulous, your men and mine thought so, too. So who cares what anyone else thinks?”

Diane widened her eyes. “Your men, too? You mean Dale, Virgo, Matt, and Quaid saw the pictures you sent Mark, Lucas and Drake?”

Sage nodded. “They liked them a lot. In fact, I have requests that I get some samples of lingerie to bring back to Pearl, you know, so I can model for my men.”

Diane chuckled. “Let’s go back to the hotel. I need a nap and a bath if I’m going to have the energy for tonight’s party.”

“Well, I’ll tell you one thing, if you get offered a modeling contract and need to fly out here to New York, Paris, wherever, I’ll be your personal assistant, even if it means I have to carry your purse and fetch your latte.”

“You’re crazy, do you know that?”

“I’m crazy?” Sage asked as she pointed her finger at herself. “I’m not the one posing in lingerie that may be seen by millions of strangers around the world. That’s freaking crazy.”

Diane laughed as the excitement of possibly getting offered more work filled her mind. She liked modeling a lot. If it were meant to be then she would deal with making decisions after talking to her men. They were a part of her life now, and decisions they each made affected all of them. Both good and bad ones.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic