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“No. I finished up school, went to college, and then started working for a large department store. Things got a little crazy, and where I could afford to live wasn’t exactly safe. There were some burglaries, and a woman from my apartment building was raped.”

“Oh God, that’s terrible,” Drake stated.

“Melissa insisted that I come out here and work with her at the boutique. I fought her on it, wanting to be independent and try to live on my own but then one night some guys followed me home and started harassing me. I got scared. Luckily one of the neighbors saw them and called the police. It had been only two weeks after the woman was raped.” She shivered from the memory.

“Well thank goodness you got out of there and came to Pearl. Any woman who enters this town is instantly under the protection of all the males,” Mark exclaimed.

“Tell me about it. My brothers-in-law have been a bit over the top the last few years. I’m certain they’ll be worse after the catalogue comes out. They were pretty crazy about the fashion show and the Internet pictures.”

Mark pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles as he looked into her eyes. “You’re our responsibility now. We’ll protect you and care for you, Diane.”

She felt her cheeks warm and then the food was being delivered to the table.

As they ate, she asked them about their jobs. Drake explained about serving in the military and about being part of a special unit. Lucas gave less information and she gathered that he really didn’t like talking about his experience in the military at all. He got awfully quiet, yet she felt his hand gently caress her thigh, under the material of her dress. She was feeling hot, aroused, and ready to leave. When the waitress asked if they wanted dessert, Diane was the one to decline.

Lucas’s hand gripped her thigh a little tighter.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked. The damn man knew him and his brothers were getting to her.

She held his gaze, and felt his fingers brush against her panties. Her lips parted but she wouldn’t falter under his control. She had an overwhelming urge to rattle Lucas. He was quiet and calm, yet filled with power and control.

“I’m a little hot. It’s too crowded in here.”

His eyes lit up and he leaned closer to kiss her neck and whisper into her ear.

“I’ll protect you. Let’s go.” He applied just a slight bit of pressure against her pussy lips, and despite the panties she felt her body react. She nearly moaned.

“Let’s get out of here, now,” Drake said, firmly making her turn toward him as Lucas stood up and so did Mark.

She slowly got to her feet, pressing the material of her dress down. Mark took her hand and squeezed it as Lucas placed his arm around her waist and guided her out of the restaurant. She barely recalled saying good-bye to Sage and Abigail. As soon as they were outside, she felt the cooler air hit her heated skin. They didn’t say a word, and she was grateful. She felt so high-strung and ready to burst. If they said one freaking word or touched her, she might explode.

They walked toward the parking lot and to Lucas’s truck. He jumped into the driver’s side, and Drake lifted her up to place her into the backseat. Mark took the passenger seat. The moment the doors closed Drake pulled her into his arms and onto his lap.

His hands caressed under her dress lifting the material to her waist.

“It was fucking torture sitting across from you all night and not being able to touch you.”

He ran his hands along her curves and covered her mouth with his. She placed her hands over his shoulders and caressed her palms up his neck and through his hair. She felt the muscles and the hard definition under her palms as he devoured her moans.

He tapped her ass and she figured he wanted her to lift up. She did and squeezed her ass cheeks making her pull from his mouth and moan.

“Fuck!” Mark exclaimed as Lucas revved the engine.

Drake pulled one hand from her ass and cupped her breast.

She pulled back, hands on his shoulders, and stared at him as he absorbed her body.

“This is one sexy dress, woman, but I want to see all of you.” He parted the material, and her breasts emerged from confinement, the stick-on bra peeled away and he cupped her breasts so he could lick each nipple.

“Oh, Drake, that feels so good.”

When he ran a hand up under her hair and pulled her down to kiss her again, she felt overwhelmed with desire. She was turned on, aroused and so needy she began to lift up and down on Drake. She pulled at his shirt, tearing the buttons open.

The truck stopped, doors opened and closed, and then the side door opened.

Drake released her lips and they stared at one another.

“I want you,” he told her.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic