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“Sure you do. That’s why you stayed here to work on a case involving an ex-lover who committed treason instead of working on our plan of settling down with the perfect woman. No more fucking threats, danger, or guts and glory getting in the way of what we want and need.”

Drake stormed out of the room and Lucas remained.

Mark was quiet as he took a deep breath and released it.

“I fucked up,” he whispered.

Lucas walked closer. His brother was so damn quiet but he could tell he was feeling what Drake was feeling.

“What do I do to make up for this?”

“Lucky for you, Diane doesn’t know any of this or how Drake feels about the case and Brenda. We shared a moment today. It got intense, man. I mean, real intense. I need to know that you’re on board with us and with pursuing Diane. She’s special, and I won’t let you hurt her.”

“Hurt her? What the fuck? I know she’s special. Of course I’m on board. I already have strong feelings for her. But this is not just a case from work, this is personal.”

“Because you had sex with Brenda?”

“Because we were good friends and I trusted her. With my life. There is something very wrong here, Lucas. The government is hush-hush. The other agents’ informants aren’t trustworthy.”

“Did something go wrong? Are you in danger?” Lucas asked, and Mark knew he couldn’t tell him about the phone call. He didn’t want them to worry. He wanted them to all be able to engage in courting Diane without any fears or concerns.

“No. Did you talk to her about dinner tonight? Can I pick her up after work?”

Lucas stared at him. His brother was a hard-ass, too. He was so well trained by the military and closed up from emotions until now. Until Diane.

“She’s special, Mark.”

“I know she is. We never thought we would find a woman who we all wanted to share and that would be accepting to such a relationship.”

“It’s more than that. We kissed her today. We fooled around a little.”

Mark’s eyes widened and he was immediately aroused at the prospect of getting intimate with Diane.

“That’s great news.”

“Mark, she’s not experienced like we are. We need to go slow. We need to give her a hundred percent of us, because that’s what she’ll be giving of herself.”

“I understand.”

“I don’t think you do.”

“What is it? What are you getting at? I want her just as you and Drake do. I’ve thought about this time. It’s why we’re here and why once this case is over, I’m done with the government jobs.”

Lucas stared at him as if he was unsure. That lack of confidence from his own brother made Mark feel like shit.

“She’s a virgin. She’s never let a man touch her intimately until today.”

Mark felt the shock hit his body. That was why she didn’t date. That was why she stopped him from touching her at her place when she first returned from Dallas.

“Oh God,” he whispered, and then ran his hand through his hair. He went from shocked to utterly aroused.

“She is perfect. She’s meant for us.”

“I won’t hurt her, Mark. I want everything with her. I want to make her happy, I want to make her feel beautiful and loved. I won’t let anyone hurt her ever.”

Mark stared at him as an overwhelming sensation filled his gut. She meant more than any case. His brothers did, too.

“I’ll notify the department tomorrow that I’m done helping out. My focus will be on Diane and this relationship.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic