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She shook her head. “No, I won’t. You said honesty and that we needed to talk things through.”

He gripped her tighter, causing her to lose her balance and press harder against his chest.

“I don’t want other men looking at your body, wanting you, fantasizing about you. You belong to me, Lucas, and Mark. I just don’t know if I can handle this.”

She nodded her head. She had to understand. She felt pulled between two desires. The desire to feel beautiful and free, appreciated and something more than just Diane Mercury, a sales woman in a small country town boutique, and the desire to possibly be loved by three men who only recently expressed a need to make her theirs.

She didn’t know what to say, or how to ease his mind because she wasn’t at ease. She thought she knew what she wanted, and then once the words left her lips and she saw their reaction, she wasn’t sure. But she already told Monique that she would do it.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to Drake’s.

She poured all her emotions and desires into that kiss, and then she felt his hand move between her thighs straight to her silk panties. She jerked, only for him to kiss her deeper, while using his other hand to hold her against him. He maneuvered his long thick digits under the silk and straight to her needy pussy.

The floodgates opened. She moaned into his mouth as Lucas took position behind her and ran his hands under her blouse and straight to her breasts. She felt his cock against her spine as he rubbed against her back. But, she was more consumed by the reaction her body had to their ministrations.

She felt Drake’s fingers press up inside of her. In and out he thrust his fingers and she moaned, pulling from his lips. His brother maneuvered a breast closer to Drake’s mouth. The fact that they worked in sync like this made her imagination soar with fantasies. They would all take her together. She moaned and shook as the orgasm hit her.

“Oh fuck. Holy shit, Diane,” Drake said against her shoulder as she fell forward against Drake.

Lucas removed his hands and caressed her shoulders and back.

“Oh God, that was incredible. I’ve never…”

Drake placed his palms against her cheeks.

“You never what?” he asked. She felt her cheeks heat up fast. She tried lowering her eyes and looking away, but Lucas wrapped an arm around her waist from behind and looked at her from the side.

“What is it?”

“Well, I guess this week will be full of firsts for me.”

Drake squinted his eyes. “Firsts?”

“That was my first orgasm ever.”

She could see Drake processing her words, and when she looked at Lucas, his eyes suddenly appeared darker, as an expression of hunger and desire filled them. He placed his hand against her cheek.

“You’re a virgin?” he asked.

Again, her cheeks warmed as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Diane?” Drake asked.

“Yes. I’ve never felt comfortable enough to allow any man to touch me intimately, until now.”

Lucas leaned forward and kissed her deeply. She turned into his hold and he made love to her mouth as her heart soared with affection. She was relieved that they weren’t turned off. She wanted to experience everything with them.

When Lucas finally released her lips, he held her in his arms and stared down into her eyes.

“You’re going to be ours forever. My life truly begins now with you, Diane.”

She felt the tears reach her eyes, and then she felt Drake hug her from behind and lay his chin on her shoulder.

“We’re going to take good care of you. Always, Diane.” He kissed along her neck and her body hummed with desire. She wanted them. She wanted to make love with them, and there were no second thoughts at all.

* * * *

Mark gripped the cell phone so tight he thought he might crush the plastic. He listened to the distorted voice warning him to stop snooping around. It burned him inside. This was a secure line. How the fuck did someone get this number?

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic