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The sound of cell phones going off filled the room, including hers.

“Hello.” She heard Willie exclaim as he ran his fingers through his hair. One would think that Diane was his, Paul’s, and Hank’s sister by their reaction to seeing her.

Melissa had just turned on the television to check out the new styles for this fall when the local news station was covering the lingerie exhibit in Dallas. She was teasing her men about ordering some for herself after the baby was born, once she worked on getting her body back into shape, when she saw Diane.

“We don’t know. Of course we had no idea. No. I’m not lying,” Hank explained as he spoke into the cell phone. It appeared that Willie and Paul were doing the same thing.

Melissa reached for her cell phone and read the text message. It was from Diane asking if she was up and if she saw the show on the local news.

She texted back the word “Yes,” unsure of what else to say. She honestly thought that Diane looked gorgeous. But Diane was shy, reserved, and virginal. She never would have done anything like this.

Just then her cell phone rang and she saw it was Diane. Quickly, she answered it.

“First, let me explain.”

“Oh, I can’t wait to hear this one. I’m in shock. But, you looked gorgeous,” Melissa told her sister, and Melissa’s three husbands turned toward her, instantly disconnecting their phone calls to listen to hers.

As Diane explained about what happened, all Melissa could do was laugh.

“Oh my God, you must have been freaking out.”

“Freaking out? Hell, I thought I was going to trip. Especially when that burst of air landed against my ass cheeks making the flimsy material lift. Oh God, I don’t even want to think about it. Please tell me that no one else saw it.”

“Honey, I can’t lie. Hank, Paul, and Willie were here with me, and well, their cell phones have been ringing nonstop.”

“Shit. What am I going to do?”

“Melissa. Tell her she’d better return Mark’s phone call,” Hank told her.

“Did you hear Hank?”

“Yes, and no freaking way am I calling Mark. They’ll be so upset. I don’t even know what they’ll do.”

“Why, did something happen between you and them before you left?” Melissa asked, hoping that something did. Those men adored Diane. They were just scared to tell her.

“Melissa, I can’t get into it now.”

“Why not. What are you doing now?”

“I’m getting ready for an after-party. I have to go there. Elvira and I were invited by Monique Parrinni.”

“Monique Parrinni!” Melissa exclaimed, nearly jumping from the couch. “You met her? She invited you to her after-party?”

“She was the one who asked me to model because the main model passed out.”

“Holy shit. Well, you did look gorgeous. You display that figure well, sister.”

Diane chuckled. “I’m so glad that you can laugh at this situation. I’m hoping that one day, I will, too. But you see, I’m about to head to a party filled with strangers that saw my bare ass.”

“You were wearing a thong.”

“Same damn thing, Melissa.”

“No, it isn’t. You looked sexy. You’re gorgeous. Just be careful. Monique might ask you to help out again.”

“Well, actually, there are multiple agencies, agents, and other bigwigs in the fashion industry attending. Monique thinks I’ll be getting offers.”

“To model?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic