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Kenny grabbed her arms and shook her. “You did not give up on her. What happened to her was her own fault. You were trying to get out, and she got caught up in the easy way out.”

“If you go back there and this guy finds out, then he’ll go after you and kill you, Lena,” Bryant stated.

“If Sage isn’t with him at the few hideouts he has, then there are only a few other places she would be hiding out in. It’s a chance I’m willing to take. She’s just a kid.”

“We’ll handle this together, Lena, but first, you need to learn that you are no longer alone in this world. You will not continue to withhold information from the four men that love you.”

He pulled off his shirt.

“You have continuously lied to us, have not come to us immediately for help, and have put yourself at risk. I warned you about there being punishments. You begged us to not spank you and told us that you would come to us if you were in need, in trouble, or upset in any way. We will not tolerate our woman thinking that she can put her life in danger. Damn it, Lena, you scared the hell out of us tonight. This all could have been avoided if you confided in one of us and looked to us for help. No more!” Quinn yelled.

* * * *

Lena felt her heart pounding against her chest. She’d hurt their feelings. She loved them all so much and they loved her, yet Quinn was right. She hadn’t thought to trust in their love.

“I was so upset, Quinn, I didn’t know what to do.”

“That’s the problem, Lena. You don’t trust us to protect you and do what is right for you. Take off your clothes, Lena.”

She swallowed hard. She looked around the room at the others and they appeared upset as well.

“We’re not a bunch of gangbanging assholes that treat women like shit and use them. We’re not going to abuse you or toss you aside as if you are garbage. We love you, and the acceptance of that love by you starts now,” Kenny added.

Lena couldn’t believe that they were serious. They were really going to spank her. She had never been spanked as punishment before, and somehow the thought of them doing it both scared and excited her. Their small smacks here and there after lovemaking affected her completely. By accepting their control of her like this what exactly was she committing to?

“Clothes, Lena, now,” Blake added.

“Why are you going to spank me?” she asked, and Bryant raised his eyebrows as if she asked a stupid question.

“I mean, I know why you’re going to spank me. I just don’t know what it means for you. Is it a control thing? Does it make you feel like a man to spank me?”

“It’s not to cause you pain, Lena, it’s to show you how important you are to us and how much we love you. By ignoring our love, our commitment, you’ve betrayed the trust between all of us and put yourself in harm’s way. Being spanked is the consequence to your actions. Now strip or we’ll do it for you,” Quinn stated.

He was way serious, and his tone filtered through her body. For some crazy reason her nipples felt hard and roused. Her pussy clenched from the thought of being naked in front of them and getting spanked. She looked at their hands before she pulled the sweatshirt over her head. They could seriously hurt her, but Quinn’s words and explanation of his intentions told her that she would be fine. Did they really love her this much?

She took off her top and then her shorts. She felt so vulnerable and somehow needy.

“I’m scared you’ll hurt me,” she whispered to Quinn who now stood wearing only his jeans and no shirt.

“Grab the arms of the chair, Lena, and bend over.”

The deep color of his brown eyes nearly made her moan. Quinn was in complete control of her body already, and he hadn’t laid a hand on her.

She did as he said, and when she bent over, sticking her ass out toward the men, surprisingly she didn’t feel degraded or less important, she actually felt like she was giving some deep, unknown part of herself over to them. She would never have given in to any person, especially a man, and in this case men, like she did so easily right now.

She felt Quinn’s warm, large hand caress over her lower back.

“Spread your legs, Lena,” he told her, and she adjusted her stance. His hand pressed between the crack of her ass to her left cheek first.

“We told you that working at Rocky’s wasn’t safe and yet you continued to work there, and when you were attacked, you hid it from us.”


“Ouch!” she squealed. She hadn’t expected that one, and she focused on the feel of Quinn’s hand on her skin.

“You went back to work there despite us telling you that it wasn’t safe, and you were hit, sustaining an injury to your beautiful face,” Kenny stated surprising her.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic