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“How are you doing, son? You look good,” Will stated.

Bryant gave him a dirty look.

“Come on in, Will, I just made a batch of fresh sweet tea. You know I never had sweet tea before coming out here to Texas. At least none with fresh mint leaves and home brewed. You know that Kenny taught me how to make it?”

“Really? That’s nice. I’d love some,” Will stated, and he joined them in the kitchen.

Lena went about cleaning up the pans from cooking.

“I was just about to head home. I have to work tonight at Rocky’s and then tomorrow night.”

“I thought you were done working there after those men tried to hurt you?” Will stated, and Bryant walked into the room.

“Someone tried to hurt you?”

“No big deal. That was weeks ago. I need the money. Some of us can’t sit around on our asses and live off of the family heritage,” Lena stated with attitude, and Bryant walked out of the room.

“Lena, should you be speaking to him that way?” Abigail asked and Lena smiled.

“If he can dish it out, then he better be able to take it. So, what brought you by today?”

Abigail shook her head and smiled as she took a sip of the tea. “This is rea

lly good. We wanted to try and see how he was doing. I guess it was a wasted trip.”

“Maybe not. He’s coming around.”

“Yeah, he didn’t kick us out and tell us off as he threw beer bottles at our heads,” Will stated and Lena gasped.

“He didn’t?” she asked, and they nodded their heads.

Lena was annoyed. How could anyone treat people who loved them in such a way?

“Well, those days are over.”

“We’d better get going. This is a lot farther than we’ve gotten inside his house before. The place looks amazing, Lena, and the food smells good,” Will stated as he placed the glass into the sink.

“He looks a hell of a lot better, too, Lena. He must like your cooking.” Abigail rose from the seat. As Lena walked them outside, Bryant was standing on the porch.

“Good-bye, son. Hope to see you again soon,” Will said, and Abigail touched Bryant’s arm. He of course pulled away and went back inside.

Lena could see the sadness in Abigail’s eyes. She smiled to her.

“It will get better,” she whispered then kissed Abigail and Will good-bye.

What she would do to have such loving parents as the Joneses. She couldn’t even imagine having more than one father who loved her, never mind a mother.

Shaking her head, she looked out toward the truck, and she saw some cowboys on horseback.

She waved as they waved before she went back into the house.

The moment she walked through the living room, Bryant grabbed ahold of her arm and pressed her against the wall.

“You think you’re real slick, Detroit, don’t you?” he asked as he wedged his thigh between her thighs and held her arms against the wall.

“What the hell is your problem?”

“You. I don’t want anyone visiting. I don’t need to see them and look into their eyes and know that they feel sorry for me.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic