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“Did I fucking ask you a question?” He took a few wobbly steps toward her, and he saw her flinch even though she stood her ground. He had a deep, strong voice that most people stepped down from to avoid confrontation with. She wouldn’t be any different.

She we

nt back to mopping up the floor.

* * * *

“Hey, Dad, have you seen Lena at all today?” Quinn asked as he and Blake joined their parents for supper.

His fathers all looked to Abigail and then back at Doc.

“What’s wrong?” Quinn asked.

“Where the hell is she?” Blake demanded to know.

“Calm down. She’s fine. In fact she’s more than fine and a hell of a lot tougher than even I gave her credit for,” Doc stated.

Abigail touched Quinn’s arm. “She took the job we offered her.”

Quinn still had no idea what his mother was talking about.

“She’s over at Bryant’s house. She’s going to take care of the house and the meals.”

“What?” Quinn and Blake yelled as they stood up.

His mother was taken aback at their response. Quinn knew that she wished they could all be close like they had been two years ago, but they weren’t. Bryant had changed and not for the better. He was a rotten, coldhearted bastard.

“There’s no need to flip out, son,” Will began to say, and Quinn looked at Blake and locked gazes.

“We’re going over there right now to get her. I hope he hasn’t hurt her,” Blake stated, sounding concerned.

“You men stop right there!” Frank yelled, and even Abigail widened her eyes in surprise. Frank was the quiet one who had a hell of a temper if riled up, but that wasn’t often. He had a commanding way about him. Quinn was surprised at his outburst.

He and Blake looked at their dad Frank.

“Sit your butts back down and enjoy the dinner that your mother worked so hard to cook for you. Lena is a strong young woman. She’s been at Bryant’s since seven o’clock this morning and will be there until the evening after supper. So don’t even think about getting in the way. You can see her afterward if she wants to see you.”

“Oh, she will see us, all right. She needs protection. Didn’t you hear about what happened at Rocky’s last night?” Quinn responded.

“What happened at Rocky’s?” Abigail asked, and Doc held up his hand for the conversation to stop.

“A few drunk patrons decided to harass a young woman coming out of work.”

“Do you mean Lena?” Abigail asked.

Doc nodded his head and they heard their mother gasp and their fathers’ mumbled curses under their breaths.

“You didn’t tell me about this, Pete,” Abigail stated, sounding angry.

“I also didn’t tell you about the two men who came to see me today. One with a broken nose and another with a serious black eye. He also had bruising along his groin and another area he was concerned over, if you know what I mean,” Doc stated.

“Lena did that to them?” Blake asked, sounding proud as he looked at Quinn, who shook his head in shock.

“That she did. She defended herself. She’s used to having to do that, apparently, and not that she should be used to men being aggressive,” Doc said then raised his eyebrows at them as if insinuating that his sons were coming on too strong to Lena.

“We would never hurt Lena, Dad,” Quinn stated.

“Watch your aggressive and controlling ways around her. She’s not some woman you can mess around with then toss to the side when you’ve had your fun.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic