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Climbing into bed, she could no longer think of anything else as fatigue sent her into a deep sleep.

* * * *

Kenny was furious with Lena. How dare she lie to him and not even tell him what happened at Rocky’s last night. She could have been raped by those dirtbag, drunken womanizers. Jesus!

He dialed the doctor’s office and asked to speak with her.

“She’s not here, Deputy Jones,” Lucy, the secretary, told him.

“Why not?” he demanded to know, and he heard her intake of breath and then her shaky voice, but he didn’t give a shit. He was pissed off.

“Doc gave her the day off.”

Before she could say more, Kenny disconnected the call.

It was nine thirty when he pulled up in front of her cottage. He tried to calm his breathing, but he was so concerned for her safety. He called Blake and told him what happened. He and Quinn were just as upset.

He climbed the stairs two at a time and banged on the door.

“Lena, it’s Kenny!” he yelled, and she didn’t answer. He banged again, and he wondered if she left for somewhere or if she was still in bed. No wonder she was so tired last night. She broke Derrick’s nose and gave Charlie a black eye. If Rocky and his friends hadn’t heard the commotion outside, those men would have taken her somewhere and… Fuck!

He couldn’t think about it. It made him crazy with anger. Lena was in trouble big-time.

* * * *

Lena could hear banging on the front door and her name being called. She tried to open her eyes, but she was so damn tired.

“Go away!” she yelled then covered her head with the pillow. The banging continued, and then it stopped. She was grateful for the silence and glad that they heard her and obliged her request to go away.

The sound of the window opening made her jump up.

She saw Kenny. He had pulled off the screen and opened her window. She had left it unlocked, and he looked furious.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing

?” she asked.

“Didn’t you hear me knocking on the front door?” he yelled at her. Her jaw dropped at his attitude.

“Leave me alone. Don’t you have a job to do?” she stated then placed the pillow over her head.

She was shocked a moment later when her bed dipped and Kenny was leaning over her before pulling the pillow from her eyes.

“Breaking and entering is illegal,” she stated as he loomed over her.

His green eyes looked possessed as he held her shoulders and tried taking slow, deep breaths as if he was the one who was so pissed off he couldn’t breathe right.

“You fucking lied to me,” he stated through clenched teeth.

Oh shit. He found out about Rocky’s last night.

She should have panicked, having him practically on top of her in her bedroom while she had hardly anything on. She tensed immediately as she glanced down knowing she wore no bra and her breasts were flowing from the loose camisole tank she wore. The short shorts were riding up against her groin, accentuating her mound that for some reason was throbbing with arousal. She swallowed hard.

“I think you need to leave my room.”


He scooted closer, his hip and holster hit her hip and ribs. His deep green eyes bore into her. Why was he so angry?

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic