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A second later, she felt the hand on her shoulder, and instinctively she threw a right hook. She hit Eric directly in the lip then covered her mouth in shock. He wiggled his jaw and grabbed a hold of her wrists.

“Why the hell did you hit me?”

“Let go of me, Eric. I don’t enjoy being lied to or betrayed.”

“Betrayed? Are you kidding me? That woman is crazy. She’s been coming around here for months,” he stated, and Stacy’s eyes widened as she tried to pull out of Eric’s grasp. She saw the tiny bit of blood drip from his lip, and she was surprised by the damage she inflicted. She felt guilty, but then she remembered that slimy serpent of a woman tangled around him by the stall. He didn’t appear as if he were fighting hard.

“There’s nothing going on between us. I swear, Stacy, she’s crazy. We told you about her, and she’s been after a Cantrell for over a year.”

Stacy thought about that a moment, but she still couldn’t get the sight of the woman clinging to Eric out of her head. She was jealous, and she was lacking in self-confidence. Men disappointed her often, and she had opened her heart up to Max and Eric..

“I thought you and Max were different. I thought I could trust you,” she stated then lowered her eyes.

Eric pulled her to him.

“Damn, Stacy, I only want to be with you. There is nothing going on between me and Betsie.”

“It didn’t look that way when I came in here. She was wrapped around you, and her lips were stuck to your neck. It also looked like your hands were holding her breasts.”

“I didn’t want to hurt her. She literally hurled herself at me the moment you opened the door and called my name. She wanted to cause trouble, and she did just that. She planned this.”

Her perfume lingered on his shirt and near his neck as she scrunched her nose and tried pulling away from him.

“What now?’ he asked.

“You smell like her perfume. It’s sickening.”

He grabbed her hand and started heading toward the house, and as they walked outside, Betsie was pressed against Ben, and Ben was trying to push her off of him.

“See what I mean. She’s crazy,” Eric stated.

Stacy couldn’t believe the sight, and Ben looked like he didn’t want to hurt her but was also in a bad position. Stacy pulled her hand from Eric’s and stomped over to Betsie. She grabbed a fistful of her fancy hair and yanked it hard.

“Ouch!” Bestise yelled as she stumbled away from Ben.

Stacy had one hand on her hip and one finger pointed at Betsie as Charlie and some of the other workers headed outside to see what was happening.

“You get this straight, Betsie, because there are no second chances. These Cantrell men are all mine. None of them are interested in you. So if I ever see your skanky, skinny tramp of a self on Cantrell property again, I’m going to personally take out a can of New York whoop ass! Now get in your fancy little bimbo car and don’t ever eye any of my Cantrell men ever again.”

“Oh my!” Betsie yelled then eyed all the men as they gathered around Stacy. Betsie hurried to her car and sped off.

“Holy shit, that was great!” Ben yelled, and Stacy turned toward all of them and glared.

“I’m going home,” she stated, and they all tried to stop her. She turned to look at Eric, and he took a deep breath and shook his head.

“You’re not going home.”

“I sure as hell am, and you’re not coming with me. I’m mad at you and the way you allowed that tramp to touch you and kiss your neck,” Stacy yelled.

“You let Betsie touch you and kiss you?” Ben asked.

“Shut up, Ben!” Charlie yelled at his brother.

Stacy stormed toward the house.

“Call Max now,” Stacy heard Eric state to Charlie. She could also hear the scraping of his boots across the gravel behind her.

“Man, is she fired up,” Ben stated loud enough for Stacy to hear.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic