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“Cover it and put it in the refrigerator. It can be your next three meals for tomorrow,” she said then walked out of the kitchen through the living room and toward the front door.

As she walked out the front door, she saw a large shadow to her right and immediately took a fighting stance. Fists fired and ready, she waited on the first strike.

“I pissed you off that much that you want to hit me?” Max asked then took another step toward her and into the light that illuminated the front entranceway.

She let down her hands and began to walk toward the first step when Max grabbed her by her arm and pulled her against his chest.

He held her wrists with one hand behind her back, and he used his other hand to cup the back of her neck and hair.

“You’ve got one hell of a temper on you. I ought to throw you over my knee and spank that pretty little ass of yours for talking to me like that.”

“Let go of me, Max. I’ve got nothing to say to you.”

“You just had a hell of a lot to say to me back there in front of the men,” he replied.

“You have no right to keep information from me. I should have been informed immediately if a crime was committed at my cottage. Then, to top it off, it seemed like everyone else knew about this before me. You will not run my life, Max Cantrell. Nor will your brother Eric.”

“Hey, don’t throw me into this fight. I thought he was going to tell you at dinner,” Eric stated, appearing from the side of the porch. He approached and took position behind Stacy. She immediately felt his warm body press against her back. His hands slid over her ass cheeks and squeezed.

“I think you’re pretty damn lucky that Max has to go back to work tonight, honey. When he says he’s going to give a spanking, he means it, and you deserve one.”

“What? Are you crazy, too? I do not deserve a spanking,” she stated firmly then jumped when she felt Eric give her ass cheek a pinch.

“Ouch!” she exclaimed then tried to break loose.

“You see, that’s where your wrong, honey. We aren’t trying to run your life. We’re trying to keep you safe. You belong to us now, honey. We take care of what is ours, and when necessary, punishment is inevitable,” Max told her then kissed her lips before she could react to his words. In a matter of seconds, she became putty in their hands. Max reluctantly released her a few minutes later when they heard the sound of trucks starting and saw the headlights illuminate nearby.

He cupped her cheeks between his hands. “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

Before she could try and ask him some questions, he kissed her lips then walked away and Eric pulled her back against him.

“Come here, Stacy. It’s a beautiful night out, let’s sit for a while,” Eric whispered above her head then took her hand and led her to the large, cushioned, swinging bench.

They sat for a while, and Stacy couldn’t help but wonder why the men wouldn’t tell her what had happened. Was it that bad?

* * * *

“I thought you were going to tell Stacy about the break-in?” Wyatt asked his cousin Max as they walked into the Sheriff’s department.

“To be honest with you, I didn’t want to ruin the atmosphere. Everyone was thrilled with her cooking, and Stacy looked content and relaxed.”

“That was until the robbery was mentioned and the fact that we didn’t inform her about the things stolen from Marie’s shed and about the window broken at her own house.”

“I didn’t want her to panic and think it was her boss from New York.”

“Well, we’re pretty sure it’s not her boss, considering that these robberies started a few days before Stacy arrived. However, nothing was done outside of town until her arrival. You can’t keep information from her just because you’re scared of her reaction.”

“Who said I was scared?” Max asked.

“Come on, Max, I’ve known you forever. I’ve never seen you or Eric so wrapped up in anything or anyone like you are with Stacy. If she’s that important to the two of you, then you need to be honest with her. I know how upsetting those voice messages were that we found on her cell phone. I understand how protective you want to be, but it’s going to backfire on your relationship with Stacy. She’s tough. I can tell, and she needs honesty from you.”

“So I’m not supposed to protect her? I’m supposed to tell her that she ran from one asshole from New York only to come to a town she doesn’t know and now not feel safe here? She doesn’t need that, Wyatt. She needs to feel protected and loved. That’s what Eric and I are going to do. This is a new life for her, and she’s exactly what Eric and I have been waiting for.”

Wyatt smirked as he leaned his hand on his holster.

“Sounds like you and Eric got it bad.”

Max smiled. “Not bad, cuz, real good.” Their conversation ended as both their cell phones rang.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic