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“Oh hell, Stacy, your ass looks real good up in that saddle. I’m going to love sitting behind you and holding you tight.”

“Eric!” she exclaimed in embarrassment, hoping that the men who were not too far away from them hadn’t heard him.

“Let them hear, darling. They’ve admired your ass, too, and know you’re off limits,” he said, and she shook her head. She didn’t like thinking that the men looked at her that way. She was touched by the compliment but didn’t want such attention drawn to her.

As they approached a planting bed with a low concrete wall, Eric stood on it and jumped up behind her in the saddle. One hand went to the reigns and one wrapped around Stacy before they took off in a trot. Her ass wobbled back and forth, and the feel of Eric’s strong embrace and hard, muscled body against her made her panties wet. She tried to adjust her rear, which only caused Eric’s erection to press against her ass and lower back. She was completely turned on right now, and apparently so was Eric.

They continued to ride along the outskirts of the ranch, seeing some of the workers and waving as they traveled farther out. Eric talked about the work they did on the ranch, some plans for the land in the future, and how he felt about her The moment they were a distance from the ranch, he stopped Lightning and then turned her face so he could kiss her. Her chest pushed out from the awkward position, and Eric cupped her breasts as he continued to explore her mouth. When he finally released her, they were both panting for air and Eric was sliding down off the horse and taking her with him.

“What are you doing?” she asked as he swept her up into his arms and carried her toward a small patch of woods. She saw a thick blanket and a picnic basket discreetly covered amongst the trees. Her heart hammered in her chest as the realization of what he intended to do sank in.

He set her down right before the blanket and began to pull her shirt up over her head.

“I need you now, baby. You got me so turned on right now I think lunch can wait. All I want is to sink my teeth into is you,” he stated then began kissing her lips, her neck, and then her shoulder. She felt the fire within herself as well as she reached for his belt buckle and began to rid him of his clothing. He was grabbing at the material of her pants as he lowered her to the blanket.

“Oh god, Eric, is it safe? No one can see us?” she asked as her heart raced. She had never done anything so brazen in her life. But with Max and Eric, it came so naturally.

“No one will come this way. I promise it’s private and we’re camouflaged in the trees,” he stated in between kissing her neck then pushing her bra aside to latch on to a breast with his teeth. She moaned as she grabbed a hold of his shirt and shoved it from his shoulders. They fell to the blanket. Eric rolled until Stacy was seated above him, straddling his waist. He reached for her breasts, no longer protected by the bra but instead lit up by the afternoon sunlight glaring through the tree branches. “You’re so beautiful. Your breasts look amazing in this light. The way the sun kisses your nipples,” he whispered as he trailed his fingertips across the hardened nubbin before cupping them underneath. They flowed over his hands, and he smiled, looking like a child who reached in for a prize and got way more than he expected. She closed her eyes and absorbed the feel of his fingers, his hands, and the domineering hold.

“Lift your hips, baby. Let me in,” he demanded, thrusting his cock upward and making her raise onto her knees to take him inside of her. She ran her fingers and palms over his muscular abs then across his pectoral muscles.

“I love all these muscles,” she stated then licked her lips. He grabbed hold of her waist and lifted her up.

“Stop teasing me, baby,” he pouted, and she laughed. She never felt so in control and sexy in her life. Eric, whether he realized it or not, was giving her quite the gift. Allowing her control sexually and to entertain her own sexual dominance was a lot to give. Especially so, coming from such a domineering man, and she knew Max on the other hand would never allow it.

She lifted as she leaned down and touched her tongue to his lower lip. She laid her pussy right over the tip of his cock. She could feel the thick mushroom top, and she wanted it just as bad as Eric wanted to be inside of her. She poked her tongue out and licked his lips again, pulling his lower lip between her teeth and teasing him. Then she lowered her pussy, taking only the tip of his hard cock slightly inside of her. She could have sworn she felt Eric shaking with need beneath her.

“Stacy!” He ground his teeth, and she hid her smile while she took more of his cock into her needy pussy. Her insides trembled with need. She wanted him so badly she felt as if her body temperature rose. The feel of his hands gripping tight into her hip bones drove her need for more

as she lowered farther.

“Fucking beautiful,” he stated as she threw back her head, causing her hair to bounce to the left as she began her rhythm. A pinch to her nipples, first one then the other, she pressed harder. She wanted to feel him as deep as she could get him, so she lifted then lowered faster and faster. Her breasts bounced, Eric widened his legs, and she gasped as his cock felt as if it hit her womb. Yes! Oh Lord, yes!

“Oh yeah, Stacy, just like that,” he stated, but she could hardly hear his words from the deep echo in her ears as all her blood felt as if it bubbled through her veins. She thrust her hips harder and rode her man, just like the motion her hips went in while she was in the saddle. Her body began to perspire, and one look into Eric’s dark, sexy eyes and she began to explode around him. He thrust up, meeting her final thrusts as she slowed her pace and attempted to take in fuller breaths. Eric took that moment to roll her to her back, lift her thighs up over his shoulders, and shove his cock to the hilt. She opened her mouth to scream, yet nothing came out as Eric continued. He was on his knees, causing her ass to lift up off the blanket, causing only her shoulder blades, neck, and head to remain on the blanket. Her body tightened up again. Judging from the distorted look on Eric’s face, she got the feeling that he was trying to find his release just as she had, and she cheered him on.

“Your cock is so big and so hard, Eric. I can’t take it,” she whispered.

The palm of his hand covered her belly as he continued his thrusts into her. The moment his fingers touched her pussy lips, she exploded like a rocket. Eric followed suit, grabbing her hips and flexing his repeatedly as he exploded inside of her. His hot semen traveled through her core, and slowly he pulled her legs from his shoulders and gently lay them down as he leaned forward to kiss her. His cock moved within her, and they both moaned then hugged each other.

* * * *

“Whoowee, woman, what is that fantastic smell?” Ben asked as he headed into the kitchen for dinner. The last week had been fun, trying to get to know what each man’s likes and dislikes were when it came to food. So far they had been pleased, and even the extra hands had joined in just about every night. Feeding fifteen hungry cowboys was hard work. Getting to know each of the men was a lot of fun. She was stirring the pot as she spoke with Anna. It was one of their weekly calls. Lately she had been sounding kind of funny, and Stacy couldn’t put her finger on it. She asked Anna what was wrong, but Anna kept bringing the conversation back to Stacy, Eric, and Max. That’s when she tried to talk Anna into coming out to see her. Of course, Anna declined. She was working double shifts at the restaurant, and her dad wasn’t able to help out. Stacy sighed as she tried to be positive. She would ask Anna to visit every time she had the chance. She quickly said good-bye and hung up the phone.

Stacy smiled as Charlie, Ben, and Eric walked inside next. Wyatt and Max were on their way. They only had time to grab a quick bite then get back to work. They were doing double shifts in preparation for Fourth of July celebrations and the fair. Apparently people visited from nearby towns and other areas to enter the contests and enjoy the rides and firework displays.

“I think you mean the barbecue chicken,” Stacy offered as she stirred the pot of stew that had been cooking since early this morning.

“No, I don’t think so. It smells spicy and also sweet,” Ben stated as he came up behind her and sniffed. She was starting to get used to his flirty ways. He was harmless. She knew that, but it still drove Eric and Max crazy.

“You get any closer to my woman and I’ll shoot you myself,” Eric stated, and Stacy laughed. Immediately Ben raised his hands palms up and stepped back as Eric swooped in and kissed Stacy right on the lips. He held her around the waist as he continued to kiss her then pulled away and sniffed.

“Damn, what is that smell?” he added then began to uncover pots and pans on the stove. As soon as he opened the lid to the chili, he closed his eyes and inhaled.

He looked toward the others, and Stacy laughed. “Sit down and I’ll get a few bowls. I wanted it to cook for another twenty minutes or so, but I did want you guys to taste it and let me know what you think,” Stacy said as she grabbed bowls from the cabinets. She had made a few batches, each tasting better than the last, or at least that’s what the men told her. She hoped that they were being honest with her.

The men finished setting the food platters on the table then waited patiently for the chili. After Stacy served up a small bit in each bowl, the men dug in. The compliments flowed as they carried on about how delicious it was.

“You are going to kick Betsie’s ass with that there chili, honey!” Ben exclaimed then took another mouthful.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic