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“Why don’t we head into town for some supplies after lunch? I can’t wait to see what you whip up for dinner.”

“I don’t know what everyone likes yet.”

“They’re hungry men that will eat anything that isn’t cooked well done.”

“Okay, and while we’re there, I need to pick up some ingredients for the chili. I have a week before the contest and I haven’t made chili in years.”

“I’ll be happy to be a taste tester, and so will the rest of the guys.”

“Okay, but no promises.”

“Oh, baby, I’ve got lots of promises, like showing you my bedroom when we get back and how firm and big my mattress is,” he teased then kissed her quickly before turning her around and walking her toward the doorway to the living room.

Stacy smiled and turned a shade redder. He loved how easily he could make her blush. He looked forward to later on when he would cause that blush to cover her body as he had his way with her.

Chapter 10

Claire felt sick to her stomach. She took another shower, trying to wash the disgusting feeling off of her body. She was married to a monster, and the realization hit her hard. She knew that Barry was unfaithful, yet she still loved him. She had never been self-confident and hadn’t dated much before Barry, so she trusted him. It wasn’t until after they were married that she realized it was all a scam to get into her father’s company. Sex had never been good, and what she thought were new-bride jitters and a case of inexperience grew stronger instead of weaker. She had never thought she would be the one to use an excuse of a headache or cramps to not have sex with her own husband. She was a virgin when she married Barry and saved herself for her husband. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had more experience, then maybe she would be open to his ideas of fun sex. She dried herself off with the towel, being sure to gently rub between her legs and her anus. Both were so sore she had trouble getting out of bed. Again she felt the feeling in her stomach of disgust. She had already thrown up to the point of dry heaves. There was nothing left. As she thought about that, she knew that there also wasn’t anything left in their marriage. Then came the fear of facing her father. Jack Mercer was a stern man. He had worked hard, had barely witnessed her childhood, never mind had a decent relationship with his own wife. He would look at Claire as a failure. But how could she go on like this? How could she stay married to Barry? The sound of her cell phone ringing brought her out of her current thoughts, and she carefully walked into the bedroom to get the phone.

“Hello. Yes, this is Mrs. Weiner.”

She was stunned to hear from Jerry, an old friend of the family. He had always been such a nice man and worked as a corporate attorney. That was who she should have married. But he was taken now, married to a gorgeous attorney with four kids. That jealous feeling hit her in the gut.

After some small talk, he informed her for the reason behind his call. She was speechless and so embarrassed she began to cry. Her husband Barry was calling in favors to get information on Stacy Porter. That was the woman who claimed that Barry had attempted to sexually assault her in an office at work. She was the one who broke Barry’s nose.

“I appreciate you calling me about this, Jerry. Unfortunately I’ve come to realize that my husband has been unfaithful for quite some time. I’m not certain what I will do.”

He told her that he felt sorry for her and that she deserved better. Then he said if she felt that the marriage could be salvaged, then she might consider talking to her husband and clearing the air. She thanked him then hung up the phone.

Her life was over. Everyone would know about Barry’s affairs and his despicable behavior in the bedroom behind closed doors. Now that she allowed him free will in their own bedroom, he might tell others that she liked that kind of thing. He could tell her father. Feeling shameful, the tears rolled down her cheeks, and she lay on the bed. Claire wondered what she was going to do about Barry. Perhaps a private investigator was in order. One specific person came to mind. She reached for the phone and made the call. If she was going to ask for a divorce, then Barry would end up with nothing. By the time she was done with him, he would be living on the street or maybe not living at all.

* * * *

“Well, what did you find out?” Barry asked Curtis as Barry sat behind his desk at the office.

“Not much. I can tell you that she changed her number again.”

“Get it,” Barry replied, not even bothering to look up from the file on his desk.

“That will be too difficult for me to do. There are investigators from the DA’s office involved.”

“What do you mean, investigators? What for? They don’t have shit on me, and the last detective, that asshole Belogio, was a moron,” Barry replied.

“Yeah, well, my sources said something about some other woman coming forward and wanting to press charges against you,” Curtis stated.

Barry looked up from the file and leaned back in his chair. Who would be so stupid to do that?

“What else do your sources say?” Barry asked.

“I hear that the DA has contacted Stacy Porter. I’m not sure what they think they’ll get from her, but obviously they find her of interest to a possible case against you.”

“That’s bullshit. I want you to find out where Stacy is. Hire someone if need be, but find her. I can’t stand living with my wife anymore. She disgusts me,” Barry stated then looked back at his file again.

“No problem. I’ll get on it right away. Also, do you want me to book the night at the Waldorf for you and Teressa?”


sure. For Friday night.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic