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“Fuck no! I just made out with her and felt her up a bit. She’s not my type at all. She doesn’t have the goods I crave,” Bed replied then winked.

“The goods you crave?” Charlie asked.

“Yeah, like Stacy in there. Man, cuz, she’s got the nicest ass and the best set of—”

“Excuse me?” Stacy stated loudly as she opened the screen door and entered the porch. Ben, Eric, and Charlie straightened their backs and all looked shocked at her sudden appearance. But then Ben leaned back against the post and eyed Stacy some more. Eric felt his temper flaring and knew that Ben was purposely pushing his buttons. He would be doing the same thing if Ben, Wyatt, and Charlie found their woman. The three of them also were searching for that perfect mate to share their lives with.

Before Eric could say something to Ben, Stacy did. Her hands were on her hips and her expression stern as she looked Ben over from head to toe, just like he had done to her. Eric had a feeling that Stacy didn’t realize how sexy and feminine she looked. Would Ben take her seriously, or would he tease her back?

“I haven’t decided to take the job as cook yet, and I think I may have misunderstood the requirements for this job,” she stated, looking at Eric for an explanation. She actually looked hurt. What was she thinking?

“I apologize, Stacy. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I was just trying to get Eric riled up,” Ben apologized then walked off the steps.

Charlie looked at Stacy and smiled. “Thanks for helping Chuck out. I hope you take the job. We could use some good cooking around here,” Charlie stated then walked off in the direction Ben left in.

Eric watched Stacy as she crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him.

“What did I do wrong?” he asked.

She began to walk past him, but he snagged her around the waist and pulled her up against his chest.

She gasped at the sudden move then released a sigh of relief.

“What’s going through that head of yours right now?” he asked while he adjusted his legs and leaned back against the railing. He continued to hold Stacy in an embrace between his thighs.

“I don’t think I understand what it is you and Max want from me. I mean, I thought it would be just

me, you, and Max.”

“Oh, honey, it’s just our cousins and a few of the ranch hands every now and then. You can handle five men. The hands will only be over now and then, and you’ll get plenty of notice to prepare.”

Stacy’s face looked like it turned a shade of white.

“Your cousins? The ranch hands every now and then? I can’t do that. I’m not that kind of woman. I shouldn’t have slept with you and Max. It was a mistake. This is a mistake,” Stacy stated then tried to pull away from him. Eric felt confused and as if he was missing something in this conversation.

“Why don’t you think you can handle it?” he asked as he gently glided the palm of his hand over her ass cheek.

“Sex with five men and then some? Are you crazy?” she yelled at him, and finally he got it. She thought that he and Max were going to share her with their cousins and the ranch hands.

“Oh, damn, baby, you’ve got it all wrong. I was talking about cooking for them, not having sex with them. Shit! You belong to Max and I only. If another man even makes eyes the wrong way at you, I’ll rip his head off. Shit, Stacy. What the hell kind of men do you think Max and I are?” he asked then hugged her to him. He heard her release a long sigh then chuckle as she cried. Was she laughing, or was she crying? He wasn’t certain.

He pulled back to look her in the eyes.

“Honey, are you okay?”

She shook her head as her cheeks reddened along with her eyes.

“I’m making a mess of this. I’m sorry. I’m just no good at relationships with men.”

“Nonsense. You’re perfect, and Max and I wouldn’t want you any other way. Don’t ever pretend to be something you’re not, Stacy. We’re falling in love with you, and it’s not just the sex,” he told her then smiled as he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

“Really?” she asked so innocently and as if she hung on his every word and would believe him because she already trusted him.

“Yes, and Max agrees a hundred percent. You can ask him tonight at dinner.”

She lifted up on her tiptoes and kissed his lips.

He kissed her back, and before long, they were exploring one another’s mouths then bodies until they heard the whistles. Immediately Eric pulled her against his chest and looked around for the culprits. His cousin Ben was standing near the barn with some of the ranch hands. He shook his head and caressed Stacy’s shoulders.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic