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She couldn’t settle her breathing despite Eric’s comforting words and Max’s embrace.

Finally she opened her eyes and held her hands clenched in fists against her knees as she knelt on the bed.

All she wore was a tank top.

“I’m sorry. Oh God, I must have dozed off and I was dreaming. I’m so sorry,” she stated, and both men looked very concerned as they settled around her. She wouldn’t tell them what she dreamt about. She couldn’t let them know how much she already loved them.

“Lay back down. We’re here now,” Eric told her as he reached out to touch her.

She pushed his hand away and back crawled off the bed. She needed a few minutes to pull herself together. Why did she have such an intense nightmare? Was she weak or something?

“Stacy?” Max called after her as she hurried across the room to the bathroom.

“I’m fine. I just need a few minutes,” she called over her shoulder then closed the bathroom door.

She was perspiring now. Her heartbeat finally began to feel normal. She walked over to the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked pale and scared shitless. Son of a bitch! That asshole Barry was ruining her life even from miles away.

Her fear and anxiety soon turned to hatred and anger. How could she let some stupid fucking phone calls get to her like this? She thought about it as she splashed some cool water onto her face a few times. The cold temperature seemed to cool down her hot temper. She was getting so caught up in Eric and Max that she was relying on them. She needed them whether she was ready to believe it or not. She remembered tossing and turning in bed, reaching out to the empty space on either side of her. They had been with her after they made love. They lay together, and it was the first time she ever felt so complete and at ease.

But then she started thinking about her life. She thought about the first time she ever had sex and how she should have saved herself for the right man, or in this case, men. She thought about her father and the way he raised her. He h

ad brought her up believing that a real man had money, power, and influence. He taught her his trade, work, and things that most young women wouldn’t be exposed to for the simple fact that society wouldn’t view it as feminine or ladylike. He shoved reality in her face. Her dad figured if she knew how to do most things on her own, then she wouldn’t rely on a man to do it for her. He tried to make her self-sufficient. She was, and it was what made her shy away from commitments with men and relationships that could lead to permanency.

Her one and only time having sex was back in college with Alex, and she did it to get it over with. She was trying to prove to herself that her father was wrong about men. She was lonely, and he was gone. Her father had been her rock. She immediately thought about him when Barry had attacked her. Everything he said about men with money and power had been true. She was avoiding those types of men in an effort to make her achievements in the business world on her own when Barry attacked. When it came down to it, all her hard work and dedication to Mercer Enterprises came down to just one decision. Spread her thighs to move up the corporate ladder, or never succeed. After making the wrong decision in college, she knew the aftereffects of guilt and feeling worthless. It wouldn’t be worth it. Look where she was now. In the middle of Texas, with only a little bit of money saved and an uncertainty of what her future would be.


She jumped when she heard Max’s voice. He walked into the bathroom as she held the vanity, trying to stop her mind from thinking about so much crazy stuff.

Immediately he stood behind her. She could feel the heat from his extra-large body. She felt his arm come around her midsection, pulling her back against his body. She absorbed the feel of his bare chest against her shoulders and back despite the tank top. Her pussy felt as if it contracted and expanded. She craved that closeness and connection she felt when both Max and Eric were inside her, making love to her together. The tears rolled down her cheeks. But it was just sex for them wasn’t it? She was the only one in love. She was the weak one. Despite all the things they did for her she was having difficulty letting go of the past and the distrust others had shown her.

“Aw, baby, you’re breaking my heart. I’m right here. Talk to me,” he whispered as he clutched her tighter against him with one arm while he caressed her outer thigh with his other hand.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She felt his hard cock against her spine. She could practically smell his scent and taste his essence. Her pussy wept, and Max seemed to be able to read her body. His hand inched closer to her pussy, and she eagerly spread her thighs in anticipation of his touch. Her breathing grew rapid quickly. Her nipples hardened into tiny buds that felt like steel. It caused waves of desire to filter though her entire body.

She exhaled as he touched a digit to her pussy lips, spreading her wet folds.

“Talk to me, Stacy. Let me in,” he whispered then pressed a digit up and inside of her. She bent her body to take more of the finger in her. She needed this. She was on the edge and needed what Max and Eric could give her.

He bent his larger body to accommodate his reach, and she leaned over the counter.

Max kissed her neck then nibbled along her shoulder scraping his teeth along her arms, causing goose bumps.

“Where’s Eric?” she asked.

“Right here,” Eric replied from the doorway. He was completely naked and looked like a modern-day god in his perfect physical form.

Max continued to finger-fuck her then lift her tank up higher so he could cup her breast.

“Come back to bed, baby. I need you,” Eric stated from the doorway. She licked her lips, and he grabbed ahold of his long, thick erection.

“Get her to bed now, Max. I want to make love to our woman together.”

She closed her eyes and moaned as tears rolled down her cheeks.

There seemed to be some silent understanding between the three of them. Neither Max nor Eric asked any questions about her show of emotion. Could they know what she was feeling and how deeply she cared for them? Did they even care for her an inkling of the amount she cared for them?

Max pulled his fingers from her body, lifted her tank top up and over her head, then scooped her up into his arms. They locked gazes as he carried her from the bathroom to the bedroom.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic