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Max gripped ahold of the arms on the wooden chair in Wyatt’s office as he listened to the phone messages. The sound of the voice of the caller gave him the chills.

“You can’t hide from me Stacy. I’m watching you at all times. I know who you’re with and those you hold close to you. I can’t wait until we can be together alone. No interruptions, no prying eyes, and just you and me, Stacy. Do you have any idea what you do to me? I want to feel those full round breasts in the palms of my hands. I want to lick every inch of your skin and make you come so hard that you’ll scream my name. You belong to me you know that don’t you. They’ll never be any others. I have lots of plans for us you’ll see.” The distorted voice filled the air around the small office. It took every ounce of inner strength to not lose it as the voice continued to describe his plans for Stacy. It was torture to listen to it.

No wonder Stacy was such a wreck, and she hadn’t even listened to the last calls. This sick bastard talked about tying her up and having his way with her. Just because he used a voice distorter, they wouldn’t be able to prove it was her boss. Max listen for some sign or indication that it was Barry, though there was no mention of the office or the attempted assault. The investigator from the DA’s office wanted the phone and the recordings. Wyatt had already spoken to him once he listened to the recordings himself. Wyatt even suggested that Max not hear them at all, but of course, he insisted. He was a deputy of this town and a protector to all the citizens. Stacy was his woman, and he had the right to know exactly what was happening in this case.

“Sick fuck, ain’t he?” Wyatt stated as he stopped the last message.

Max was trying to remain calm. He wanted to see Stacy, but he knew he would have to wait until tonight. At least Eric was with her and hopefully loving her and destroying her need to be so damn independent.

“What did the investigator say?”

“He’s sending a representative from the state police to meet one of our guys at the border of Turbank. There’s the forensics lab about forty minutes north of there. They’ll analyze it and get back to the investigator.”

“Do you want me to take it to the trooper?” Max asked.

“It’s up to you, Max, but I was going to send Clyde. I think you want to go be with Stacy. There’s no need for you to wait three hours. Just leave at four instead of five. Go be with her and get her to see that she has protection here. In the meantime, I’ve got some pictures of this asshole off the Internet and new ones being mailed over from New York. I can get anything you want on this guy. I’ve got some friends in New York, too. So if you’ll let me, we can see what type of individual we’re dealing with and get prepared.”

“Didn’t the agents give us some info on this asshole already?” Max asked.

“I like to do my own investigating. That way there ain’t no surprises waiting to jump out at us. You don’t worry about a thing. Just keep an eye on your woman.”

“We’re hoping that she’ll take the job as the cook.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I hope she can cook. I’m getting tired of going out to dinner all the time. I’ve had everything on Francine’s menu twice in the last few weeks,” Wyatt told him then chuckled.

“I know what you mean. Marie said that Stacy’s a great cook. We’ll find out tomorrow night, I guess. That’s if she shows up,” Max added with a smile.

“You and Eric have all night to work on her,” Wyatt teased, and Max smiled.

“We’ll try our hardest.”

* * * *

Max sent a text message to Eric around four thirty to find out what he and Stacy wanted for dinner. They were in the middle of painting the hallway after finishing the second coat of paint in the living room. Max wouldn’t feel an ounce of relief until he saw Stacy and heard her voice and knew that she was safe with his brother Eric had gotten him through his shift. He grabbed the food from Francine’s and headed to Stacy’s. He stopped, met Ron, and shared the latest update on Stacy’s boss. Ron was furious and swore to keep an eye on things whenever Max or Eric weren’t around. Max approached the house and saw all the lights on in the living room. As he gathered the food bags, he climbed the porch steps and saw Eric holding Stacy by her hips and ass as she stood up on the ladder. Eric was massaging her ass cheek and running a finger along her crevice, and she was trying to swat at his hand. He leaned against the door, watching in amusement as Eric looked his way, smiled, then went at it again. Stacy hadn’t a clue that Max was watching the whole thing. Finally she pulled the tape from the hard-to-reach corner ceiling and crumpled the tape into a ball, throwing it at him. She began to climb down the ladder when Eric swept her into his arms and over his shoulder. He felt her up good as she giggled and squealed, trying to get him to release her.

“Eric, cut it out. I want to finish getting the tape down before Max comes. I want to know what he thinks of the color. Eric!” she screamed again as he massaged the inside of her thighs to her mound as he walked closer to Max.

He began to place her back down on her feet when she shoved him forward, causing him to fall back onto the floor and take her along with him. Max laughed, and as Stacy swung her head around to look at him, Eric rolled her to her back and straddled her. She attempted to push him off of her as she giggled, but he had other plans and pinned her hands above her head. Her shirt was bunched up to her breasts, and her belly button was showing. Max thought she looked absolutely sexy as could be.

“I’ve got her, bro, what do you want to do to her? She’s real ticklish behind her knees and under her breasts,” Eric teased then thrust his hips against her.

“Eric, stop this. Max brought food, and it will get cold,” she protested.

“I brought you your grilled chicken over salad, honey, so there’s no worry about your supper getting cold,” Max teased, closing the front door and placing the food bags onto the kitchen table.

Max absorbed the color on the walls and how completely different it was from the pale yellow. It looked more sophisticated and classy, just like Stacy.

“I love what you did in here, Stacy. It looks real nice. I can’t wait to see it furnished,” Max told her as he walked closer to where Eric had her pinned on the living room floor. She kept struggling to get free, but then Eric would flex his hips against her, and she would freeze in place.

“You see how hard her nipples are, Max. Her breasts are real sensitive. She’s so responsive,” Eric teased then leaned down and nipped at one of her breasts despite the material barrier.

She closed her eyes and arched her back.

“I can see that, but I want a closer look,” Max stated as Eric released Stacy’s hands. He smiled when she kept her hands above her head and didn’t move. Apparently his brother showed his dominant side in the bedroom this afternoon. If Stacy’s submissive position and demeanor was any indication of her liking being dominated, it sure showed now.

He curled his finger back and forth, indicating for her to come to him. She looked at Eric first, which pleased Max. He was the one currently on top of her and would have to release her for Stacy to follow Max’s nonverbal order. Eric stood up and offered a hand to Stacy. She took it but never took her eyes off of Max.

* * * *

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic