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Max’s eyes widened in shock and then what looked like anger. She turned away and ran her hand over her mouth as her head began to throb. She felt her wet cheeks and realized she was crying.

“I’m not going to do anything like that Millie. I won’t go back there and testify and place my life or the lives of my friends in danger. If the investigators are watching my boss, which is what I hope they are doing, then I’m safest out here. If anyone tries to contact you to try and find me, you tell them that I vanished and you have no idea where I am.”

“The investigators know where you are, Stacy. They really want to talk to you, and they will come out there to see you.”

“Shit! What am I going to do?”

“He said for you to call him or he’ll be on the next flight out of New York.”

“Fine. I’ll think about it. I need to go.”

“Stacy, you need to talk with them and find out if you are in danger as they believe you might be. There was no evidence to prove that your boss had something to do with the three women being murdered, but they believe he had a hand in it. Think about the stuff he left you in your apartment. Think about the phone calls and those pictures that he took of you,” Millie stated, and Stacy began to cry.

“I know, Millie. I don’t want to think about that.”

“You have to, honey. You have to do whatever you can to keep yourself safe. What would Anna and I do without you?” Millie stated, and she began to cry as well. Stacy could hear her sniffling.

“Don’t cry. I’ll handle this. I’ll call you later,”

“You call me after you talk to the investigator and remember that the Cantrells are there for you, too. My aunt told me how much attention Eric and Max have been paying to you. Don’t decline their offers of support.”

Stacy exhaled then said good-bye before she hung up the phone. Her stomach ache felt worse as she wiped away her tears and debated about standing. It felt as if her feet had been knocked right out from under her. She was still in shock from the information. Could Barry really have killed those women?

“Stacy?” Max said her name and joined her by the table. He straddled the chair on her left while Eric straddled the chair on her right then covered her hands that were clasped on her lap.

She looked up toward Max first. He was a deputy, and he would want to know all the details of the situation and perhaps even talk with the investigators. But she hardly knew these two men. How could she let them in on something so intense in her life? If they did have feelings for her, this new info would definitely change their minds. Who would want a woman with trouble following her?

“Explain what’s going on so we can help you,” Max stated.

She was silent a moment then turned toward Eric. He seemed just as protective and in control as Max except he didn’t have the badge to go with the superiority.

“I don’t think I can,” she whispered as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Saying the words out loud but knowing that she really wished that accepting their attention, their help, and even possibly their affection was possible hurt inside. They were good men as Marie and Millie had informed her. They were only trying to help. Max was doing his job, especially if she was to blame for bringing trouble to Pearl.

The tears rolled down her cheeks, and Eric reached up to caress them away.

“You can tell us anything. We’re here to help you,” Eric stated.

“If danger is headed this way after you, then we want to know about it and help,” Max added, sounding as though she was testing his patience. That hurt inside but for some crazy reason made her clit throb. She must be losing her mind.

“I understand that you need to know as a law enforcement officer in this town. Once I call the investigators from the DA’s office in New York, I’ll have more information. I won’t lie to you, and I won’t withhold any information that could place anyone in Pearl or around me in danger.”

She stood up, prepared to leave, when Max stopped her abruptly.

He pulled her into his arms and squeezed her.

“You think I want to know what’s going on just because I’m part of the law in this town? I want to know what’s going on because I’m worried about you and—”

He kissed her so hard and so fast she didn’t know what hit her. He was all fired up, and his hold nearly took her breath away. When he finally released her lips, he cupped the back of her head with his hand and held her in place as he stared down at her.

“You’ve got a lot to learn, but right now what you need to know is that Eric and I are here for you and we will protect you. Now let’s get over to your place and make the call, New York. I don’t like surprises, and I want to know everything this investigator has to say,” Max stated then took her hand into his own. She felt Eric’s hands on her shoulders, and when she looked up, she saw that same fire in his eyes that she saw in Max’s. Maybe they really did care.

* * * *

Despite Stacy’s plea, Max spoke with Investigator Pellot himself. He was glad that he had because Stacy had already attempted to minimize the situation with her ex-boss. He was filled with mixed emotions. A few glances toward Eric and he could tell that his brother was on edge. They barely knew Stacy, yet he was compelled to spend as much time getting to know her as possible, and he already had strong feelings for her. Learning the facts of why she left New York made him feel protective and in need of seeing to her safety. But he had learned a little bit about Stacy’s personality already, and trying to get close enough to protect her and make her see that it wasn’t just as an officer of the law was going to be difficult. She already mentioned his need to know as the local law enforcement representative. She hinted about other things that would keep them from getting involved with her. She stated that she wasn’t sure if she was going to stay on the farm, near Pearl, or in Texas itself for much longer. That nearly had him shaking some sense into her. Well, that was if she was in charge of making that decision. As far as Max was concerned, she already belonged to him and his brother. She touched his heart and made him think about things he hadn’t thought about toward any other woman. One look toward her as she began to hand paint the trim molding around the window told him she was pissed off. Glancing at Eric, who stood nearby cleaning off the sprayer after finishing the back of the house, and he could tell Eric was just as rattled as Max himself felt. Somehow they would convince Stacy that she could trust them and hopefully lean on them.

* * * *

Stacy took a long hot shower. Thanks to Max and Eric, she was able to finish the entire outside of the house in one day. After the phone call from New York, even Marie and Ron pitched in. The entire situation gave her a feeling of belonging that she just wasn’t used to. Marie and Ron had become like an instant family. She had noticed that when Eric or Max touched her shoulder or caressed her in an intimate way that Ron would clear his throat and give each man a stern look. It was as if Ron had taken over a father role toward her. Although she felt it wasn’t necessary, nonetheless it felt nice and she appreciated it. She was certain that with each day that passed that she would love the town of Pearl more and more. Dealing with Max and Eric was a completely different story. They, too, seemed to have taken over the role as her protectors as well as their possession.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic