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He wasn’t going to let her off that easily.

“How about a towel or something?” he asked, and he pulled his shirt off and began wringing out the material. When he looked up he locked gazes with a very stunned and adorable-looking Stacy and she obviously liked what she saw. He was shocked at how relieved he felt. It was a first for him. He knew he had a good body. It was the kind of body that men who did hard labor work like him wound up with. Women drooled over it, but for some strange reason, that confidence and cockiness he had with other women wasn’t present with Stacy. He actually was concerned that she may not like him or find him attractive.

“Um…let me just run inside and get you something to cover up.” She sounded as if she stuttered, and he found that to be appealing as well. He winked at her then followed her toward the cottage’s front door.

He stood on the front porch, not wanting to get water on her rug. He could tell as he peeked through the screen door that she was going to redo the rooms as well. There were series of color-sample strips lining every wall and the hallway, too.

She reappeared a few seconds later holding a thick burgundy towel against her chest as if it were a security blanket.

“Thank you,” he told her as she swallowed hard and tried not to look at his chest, but it was nearly at her eye level. He began to dry off as he watched her lean against the post on the porch and look out toward the pasture.

“What were you thinking about when I showed up?” he asked.

She turned to him, looking like a deer caught in the headlights, then quickly recovered.

“I guess I was just daydreaming, that’s all.”

He wanted to tread carefully. He was going on pure gut instincts here, and he didn’t want to scare her or piss her off. Max had already told him what happened earlier today and about the donut comment.

“I don’t want to intrude or anything, but you looked kind of scared.”

She shot him a look of surprise. He was right.

“Then don’t intrude, Eric. Leave the towel on the chair when you’re done,” she stated and walked off the porch before he could get another word in.

“Whew-wee.” That girl had a temper on her. He watched her and that perfectly round ass of hers until she disappeared around the house.

He walked around the side of the house and saw her sweeping up the debris from the area she power washed.

“So when are you going to start working at the Triple C?” he inquired. She stopped sweeping for a second, looked at him, and then went back to sweeping. He never saw a woman look so damn sexy in a pair of worn-out jeans with holes in them. Something told him that she would look sexy in just about anything, although he would prefer to see her in nothing at all. Boy, would he take his time exploring every inch of her body.

“I already told Max that I wasn’t interested.”

She interrupted his thoughts, and he felt his cheeks warm. If she only knew what he was thinking about her.

“That’s not what I heard. Marie said you would be available and that she only needed your assistance for the first day of camp.”

“We’ll see,” she stated as she finished up then looked around the yard. It was getting dark, and he didn’t want her wandering around outside on her own. She was a city girl and didn’t know about the potential dangers. Never mind what Max and Ron had said about Gutry.

“Let me help you clean up. It’s getting dark out, and you’ll want to be inside,” he stated as he stood next to her.

“So it’s getting dark, what’s the big deal?’ she challenged him, and he couldn’t resist teasing her.

“You don’t want to be wondering around in the dark when there are wild animals hunting for prey,” he whispered next to her ear. She glanced around them, trying to see as far as she could see now that there was little light. In just about another five minutes or so, it would be pitch black.

“There are poisonous snakes and barn rats,” he added, and she turned toward him. Without even realizing it, she was pressed against his body and both their hands held the broom.

He reached down and caressed her cheek, letting his thumb slide along those sexy, soft lips of hers.

“Let’s finish up, darling. I’ll keep you safe,” he whispered, and he nearly came in his pants when she batted her eyelashes and held his gaze.

“Snakes, huh? I don’t like snakes,” she whispered, and he was drawn to her lips and the sound of her seductive tone. How would those lips feel wrapped around his cock? He shifted his stance, and she pulled herself closer to him.

“Let’s finish up, honey,” he told her as he tapped her hip and held his hand against her jean-covered hip bone. Stacy immediately finished up, and they walked together back to the cottage.

“Thank you for your help. It really wasn’t necessary, and I’m sorry for spraying you.”

“Why don’t you make it up to me and invite me in for dinner?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic