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“Do I look like I eat donuts, darlin’?”

She glared at him as her eyes looked him over. His cock grew harder at her stare. He smiled, and she blushed, giving away her mutual attraction to him.

“I’m going to forget that you said that, Stacy. I’m also going to be sure to stop in and check on you.”

Her eyes widened, and then she actually stomped her foot. It was getting difficult to not sweep her into his arms and kiss her breathless. Those red, plump lips glistened with some sort of lip gloss, not lipstick, and they were tempting him.

“That won’t be necessary. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot to do.”

Max winked at her then gave her one of his debonair smiles that always made the ladies melt. To his surprise, Stacy scowled at him then followed him as he exited her home.

“I’ll be seeing you around, Stacy.”

“You all want to stay for lunch, Deputy Cantrell?”

Both Max and Stacy turned around to see Marie and Ron walking toward them.

“No, he has to get going. He has a whole town to patrol,” Stacy stated sarcastically.

“You all trying to impress New York here or somethin’, Max? He has time for lunch. Come on over to the house,” Marie stated firmly.

Max chuckled at the look of pure frustration across Stacy’s face. This was going to be fun. If only Eric were here, then they could double-team her and she wouldn’t know what hit her. The thought aroused him more than he expected.

“It’s good that Max is here. Maybe he can come on over with his brother Eric tomorrow and help you out on the roof work. You’re off tomorrow, right, Max?” she asked as they all walked in unison toward the main house.

One look over his shoulder at Stacy’s shocked expression and he realized he may not need Eric to double-team Stacy with teasing when he had Marie Lemorte.

* * * *

Stacy listened to the conversation between Ron and Max. It appeared that someone had stolen some tools out of Ron’s shed. Max wasn’t certain who the culprit could be but promised to patrol nearby in the evenings. Knowing that the deputy would be prowling around at night in the near vicinity of her cottage made her nervous. She thought about that while she made the grilled-cheese-and-bacon sandwiches Marie insisted she cook for Max and Ron.

“This is great that you know how to cook, Stacy. Marie’s not that great in the kitchen,” Ron remarked then ducked as Marie threw a dish towel at his head. Max and Stacy chuckled.

“Not one word out of you, New York, ya hear.” Marie pointed at Stacy, and Stacy pretended there was an invisible zipper in front of her mouth and closed it. Max and Ron laughed.

“You hear we all are losing our cook at the Triple C?” Max stated.

“Y’all mean Tex

is finally heading up to Wyoming?” Marie replied.

“Afraid so. I mean I’m happy for him, and I know he really misses his daughter and wants to see the grandchildren. But now we have no cook.”

“There’s got to be someone looking for work. What type of hours y’all need?” Ron asked.

“Ah, we were just looking for lunch and dinner to start, but if it works out then breakfast, too.”

Stacy cringed, hoping that this conversation would not go in the direction it appeared it was going in.

“I hear you’re a great cook, Stacy. Maybe you would be interested in working at the Triple C?” Max asked.

“Oh, that would be great,” Marie replied.

Stacy turned around just as she placed the last pieces of bacon on the sandwiches. She calmly turned off the stove and begged her mind to find an excuse. There was no way she could be around those men.

“I can’t. I’m sorry, but I’ll be working with Marie and the campers.”

“Oh, nonsense. You just about got all the paperwork done this morning. It’s just the first day that I’ll need her, and then she’s all yours. The camp doesn’t start for another two weeks, so she can help you out when Tex leaves. When is he leaving?” Marie asked, and Stacy stood there with her mouth open in shock. Marie was basically dictating her life. This had to stop.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Town of Pearl Erotic