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“That’s not fair,” I began.

I didn’t blame him for being pissed.

“What’s not fair is the pact you made with my brother.”

I didn’t necessarily agree, but also didn’t think arguing with him while we were both naked was productive.

He heaved out several breaths and seemed to calm down.

“Remember that Halloween.”

How could I have forgotten. It was the first time I’d kissed Cam.

“I thought maybe there was something between us when I kissed you. And you—”

“Ran,” I finished.

It hadn’t exactly happened like that. I’d been on the verge of giving myself to him. But my phone had rung, and it had been Eddie, reminding me of my promise. No, Eddie hadn’t called for that. He hadn’t known I’d been kissing his brother but hearing his voice had killed the lust that had been raging for Cam seconds before.

“Yeah, you moved liked someone yelled fire and I thought I’d read you wrong. That you weren’t at all into me.”

I’d been more than a little into him.

“Why does it matter? It wasn’t like you thought of me more than a kid sister.”

“I wouldn’t try and kiss my kid sister if I had one.”

What could I say to that?

“Be honest, was I wrong about you being into me or did you leave because of that pact with Eddie.”

I licked my dry lips. I’d never lied outright to either of the Underwood brothers.

“You weren’t wrong.”

And that hadn’t been the only time.

“Then there was that time when you came over to the house looking for Eddie. He was out on a date and you’d gotten back from a crappy one.”

I nodded, not sure where he was going with this. Eddie had warned me against going out with one of the guys from school and I hadn’t listened.

“I was home from school that weekend and I listened.”

He’d done more than listen. He’d held me and told me I was better than the asshole who thought asking me if I’d take off my shirt was a good idea for a first date.

“I’d kissed you then and you—”

“Ran,” I admitted.

“Because of that pact?”

I nodded, and he moved in quickly.

His hand snaked around the back of my head and drew me to him. “You owe me.”

His velvety lips were on mine hard and hungry. I let out a little squeak as I tumbled backwards, legs splayed giving him entrance when he landed squarely on top of me.

He tasted like pure sin and I was surely going to best friend hell. Eddie would never forgive me. But then again, there was more history between Cam and I.

Cam stopped and let out a string of curses.

“What?” I asked, panting from lack of oxygen.

He rose up, his bicep flexing and my girl parts protesting.

“I have to take care of some business first.”

He’d forgotten our tether as I had. When he moved to leave the bed, I was dragged along with him. He only briefly gave our joined wrist a casual glance.

“Where are you going?”

“Bathroom. Gotta take a piss.”

My jaw unhinged as he continued off the bed, me scrambling to get my feet under me. He had a good eighty pounds on me or close enough. Standing my ground had made no difference as I was led into the spa like bathroom like a petulant puppy.

“No way are you going to pee while I’m standing here?”

He shrugged. “Biological function. It’s either in here or somewhere else.”

I didn’t even want to think about what he meant. My standing there didn’t stop him. He positioned himself legs spread and I turned putting my fingers in my ears, which meant getting close enough so my right hand would reach my ear. Then I sang, la la la, until the sound of the flushing toilet penetrated my impromptu singing session.

He moved to the sink and gratefully washed his hands.

“You know you’ve seen my dick. It’s been in your—”

I sang out loud again not wanting to hear what word he was about to use. It wasn’t that I was twelve, but him saying it would make it all too real.

He was Cam, Eddie’s older brother and totally off limits no matter how good it felt to be wrapped in his arms. Besides, he was a player in the worst way. TMZ couldn’t keep up with the number of women seen wrapped around him.

It mattered not that he’d starred in my dreams and was the mental imagine I used when my vibrator couldn’t quite get me there. But that’s where it was supposed to end. Fantasies don’t stand and pee in front of you.

“Fantasy huh?”

“Oh crap, I said that out loud didn’t I?”

He nodded, and my bladder made itself aware. I couldn’t very well do this. But squeezing my thighs together didn’t help the overwhelming call of the porcelain God.

“Turn around,” I said, spinning my finger in circles to make my point and added a “Please,” when he’d made no move to act.

Tags: Terri E. Laine Romance