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“Not going to happen,” Cam said with his million-dollar arm around my waist.

“I’m a grown ass woman and I’ll have random sex if I want.”

My bottom lip might have poked out as I pouted.

“Not with him,” he said.

I slid a hand over his smooth baby-faced jaw. “It’s you or someone else.”

That wasn’t exactly true, but he didn’t need to know that. I did what I’d been thinking about since the last time. I lifted on my toes and pressed my lips to his.


His growling curse only made me want to climb him like a tree right there.

“Yeah, let’s do this,” I said.

He stared into my eyes and I stared right back.

“Promise me you won’t regret it.”

“Regret, my ass.” I thought about that for a second. “Okay, maybe my ass is off the table. You have a big dick. I don’t think it will fit.”

His eyes held mine as I laughed uncontrollably. “Are we doing this or not?” I asked once I got my giggles under control. “Otherwise, I’m going to find someone man enough to do it.”

“Remember, you asked for this,” he said, his hungry eyes landing on my mouth.

He scooped me up and tossed me over my shoulder, giving me a perfect view of his ass clad in tuxedo pants. Damn he was hot.

As he got us into an elevator I hadn’t noticed, I blinked as a warning I couldn’t remember tried to surface. But when Cam set me on my feet and plastered me in a corner, his kiss burned any thought I might have had into flames.

Chapter 2

I’d like to think I was mature enough to handle the situation I found myself in. I’d woken to blazing heat radiating at my back. Since blankets weren’t the cause, I kept my eyes closed trying to remember the events of the previous night.

Unfortunately, curiously won. I opened my eyes without moving took in my surroundings. What came in focus couldn’t be my hotel room. High tray ceilings with expensive looking molding, made it pretty clear I was in a suite of some sort.

Eddie had offered to upgrade me, but I’d turned him down. So where was I?

Still, I didn’t move afraid to wake the person crowding my back.

An image of an older balding pot belly man came into focus. There had been plenty at the reception who’d hit on me and slapped my ass. A cold shiver ran through me as I began to hyperventilate.

Calm down…not the end of the world, I thought and tried to rein in my breathing. If I’d ended up having geriatric sex I could mark it off my bucket list.

Okay, not helping. That hadn’t made me feel one ounce better. Just the opposite. My stomach rolled like a tidal wave heading north.

As I silently burped up stale alcohol, there was a consolation prize. At least I couldn’t remember it. Though my memory didn’t hide the copious amounts of tequila shots I’d had after the pink drink.

Crap on a cracker…there had been a brief moment when I’d considered having a one-nighter, but had completely dismissed the thought. Had I gone through it? Of course I had. The fact that I couldn’t feel a stitch of clothing on my body and the ache between my legs was confirmation.

A flash of a blond Sheldon-like man from the Big Bang Theory popped in my head, though this one wore glasses. Was it him who’s hand was molded to my abdomen just slightly north of my no fly zone until apparently last night?

I gagged a little and moved involuntarily. The beast awoke. For a second I pretended in my head to be Belle. When, not if, I saw the man who now cupped my breast, I’d like to think that he would magically turn into a prince under the right circumstances. What a coping mechanism. My shrink would over analyze that if I had one.

The hand was large and couldn’t belong to the guy I remembered. Thank God. Though he’d been lanky, he hadn’t appeared much taller than me and his hand that held the drink had been slim. So who was the guy behind me?

Large hands, pot belly men…

As if he heard my thoughts, the beast ground what had to be a python against my ass. it’s tip stretching to just above the small of my back.

A pot belly man with a big dick, not a bad thing…

Then the beast groaned as another hand parted my legs.

A big dick couldn’t overcome everything. I moved fast, eyes opening as I rolled away and said, “Keep your snake charmer to yourself.”

Any other protest I might have said crawled back in my throat.

The beast came into focus and his name was one I knew all too well. Cameron McCabe. His hair was slightly too long and messy around his head. but too damn sexy all the same. Sleepy eyes gazed at me as if waiting for my next move.

Tags: Terri E. Laine Romance