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“Oh God.”

“It gets worse.”

“Just tell me everything.”

Sally explained about feeling the other body behind her and how Garret wouldn’t let her turn to see whom it was.

“It was terrible. I was so scared, Alexa. Especially when he said that he had been planning this and waiting to share me.”

“What? Share you with who?”

Sally couldn’t stop the tears as she hugged herself and cried.


“Oh no.” Alexa immediately sat beside Sally on the bed and hugged her against her side.

“Please tell me they didn’t force themselves on you. You need to call the police. We need to call Michael.”

Sally shook her head.

“They tried to make me leave with them. I fought them off in the parking lot. That’s how I got the busted lip and all this. Some guys came out of the bar and started yelling at Keiffer and Garret. That scared them off. Garrett kicked me while I was on the ground and said I wasn’t worth it. The guys wanted to call the police, but I refused.”

“You should have called them. You should have called me immediately.”

“Alexa.” Sally turned to her sister and stared into her eyes. “I shouldn’t have been there. I never should have gone. I was looking for something and hoping for something when I should have been focused on following my gut. Just like you, I had a funny sensation, call it reservations about going on the date with Garret. Then you mentioned Keiffer and I allowed my need to feel cared for get in the way of the reality of what these men, most men, are really like. It’s my fault. They won’t bother me again.”

“I don’t agree with this. No woman deserves to get treated like that. Just because men are physically stronger and have dominant natures doesn’t give them the right to use force, to take from a woman when she says no. These are our bodies. We decide who we give them to. We’re not under the control of our uncles anymore. We’re not prisoners. We’ve worked too goddamn hard, Sally. Wait until I see those assholes. I’m going to give it to them.”

“No, Alexa, you won’t. They’ll leave me alone now. They failed and that’s that. I just want to put this behind me.”

Alexa hugged Sally and then they heard the knock on the door.

“Make them go away. Please help me to get through today. I’ll think about what to do next. I promise.”

“Open up. It’s important,” Susanna stated from outside the door.

“Come in,” Sally whispered as she held Alexa’s hand and kept her bruised cheek turned.

Susanna entered.

“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, why?” Alexa asked.

“BJ called. The sheriff from Cellar County called. He wants to talk with you, Sally. Something about two guys assaulting you last night.” Susanna held her cell phone in one hand then entered the room. Sally stared at Alexa.

“You can’t hide it. Just show her.” Alexa squeezed Sally’s hand.

Sally slowly turned to look at Susanna.

Susanna gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

“Oh, Jesus. Who did this? What the hell happened?” she demanded to know. Sally shook her head then pleaded with Alexa with her eyes to not tell Susanna who did this.

“Who?” she asked again.

Neither Alexa nor Sally answered. Susanna picked up the phone.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas Erotic