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“They will know it’s us that did it, but we just keep the lights off and pretend that we’re sleeping. That way when they come knocking, we’re in bed,” Garret stated as he made his way through the dark house.

“Well, if they wanted to come looking, all they would have to do is feel the hood of the truck and know it was hot and that we were out a short time ago.”

“That’s why I parked it in the garage. They’ll need a warrant to search. By the time they get one, the truck will be cold.”

“Jesus, Garret, you’re fucking crazy smart. How the hell do you know how to plan all this shit and not get caught?”

“I’ve done a lot of research. I’m not going to get busted on some small slipup like a hot hood. I want Sally. I’m going to get her and take her out of here where none of those military assholes or stupid cops can find us. I’m going to live off the land and fuck ’til my heart’s content.” Garret chuckled as he walked to his bedroom. The moment he entered the room the window shattered. He jumped down behind the bed.

“What the fuck?” he yelled. There was silence as Keiffer crawled on his belly from the living room.

“Someone just took a shot at my fucking window,” Garret said.

“Oh, hell. I think they’re sending a message?” Keiffer suggested as he kept his cheek to the floor.

“What fucking message?”

“The same one you’re trying to pull on Sally. The crazy bastards are pushing back.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it.” Garret reached down and pulled out his cell phone. “Yeah, someone just tried to kill me.”

* * * *

BJ was pacing the living room at the women’s house. He stared at the men, all of them. There was Michael, Chad, Carl, Richie, Dale, Virgo, Tyler, Matt, Monte, Tommy, and Vic.

“Okay, now I don’t know which one of you crazy fucking bastards went after Garret and Keiffer and shot out his window, but the shit stops now. I don’t need this kind of heat. It’s bad enough this fuck is getting away with harassing our women and running Sally off into protective custody. But I cannot have you guys running around shooting at people.”

All the men stared at him as if they wouldn’t say a word even if they knew who did it. “Hell, y’all don’t think I’d like to put a cap in that piece of shit’s ass? Think again. But we have laws, and right now we need to follow them. Sally is safe with Mason and Steven. I want to enforce the fact that our women go nowhere alone or without one of us. They need protection from well-trained individuals. Garret and Keiffer will fuck up. I know they will.”

“How do you know they will? Now, I’m not saying I know who did this, but all the power to them. Maybe it will send a message to Garret and Keiffer that they can’t push without getting pushed back,” Vic stated.

“I agree with my brother. No harm done,” Tommy replied.

“I’m with them,” Tyler stated, and then the others all agreed, too. BJ ran his hands through his hair.

“We can’t do this. We can’t take matters into our own hands. Not unless we actually catch them in the act,” BJ said.

“Then let’s catch them in the act. I’m always up for some surveillance,” Virgo stated and Dale slapped Virgo on the back and smiled. “I’m in. I’d love to catch these losers trying to go after an innocent woman. I’d rip them apart.”

“Slow down, guys. Like I said, there are rules and laws to follow.”

“Well, Sheriff, if we were to follow them on our own and just happen to catch them doing something because we’re in the right place at the right time, then it’s all good. You know nothing and we’ll keep it that way,” Virgo stated and the guys all chuckled.

“Son of a bitch. You two are crazy. Do what you want, but don’t shoot out any more windows, Virgo.” Before Virgo or anyone else could respond, BJ headed out of the room to call Mason and Steven.

Chapter 7

“Say that again, BJ,” Mason said as he spoke into his cell phone. Steven, who was eating a sandwich, looked on in interest. Sally was still resting upstairs.

BJ explained what had happened back in Delite and about Elise and then the window at Garret’s home. Mason was very concerned for the women, and his anger was growing stronger over the newest events.

“Maybe having them watched is exactly what should be happening. That way they’ll get caught.”

“Maybe, Mason, but I don’t see the guys just watching them. I t

hink it was Virgo who shot out the window at Garret’s house and Dale helped him. They’re gung ho about locking Garret and Keiffer up.”

Mason instantly felt the twinge of jealousy. It seemed his gut was right, and Virgo had a thing for Sally.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas Erotic