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“The car?” Chad asked as he paused and gave Michael an odd expression.

Michael chuckled. “Her piece-of-shit car is called Mel. She talked about it like it was a person. That threw me for a loop of emotions in a matter of seconds. One minute I’m hoping to talk with her and get to know her. Then she’s talking about Mel and loving him and finally I ask about Mel, and she tells me that’s the name she calls her piece-of-shit car.” Michael chuckled.

“You’re out of practice with the ladies, Michael. Next time let me handle the conversation with Alexa.”

“I’m out of practice? I don’t think so, sonny. I’ve had more practice than you’ve ever dreamt of having. Now cool it and help me figure out the best way to get these things of hers back to her.”

“I say we make her come to us.”

“What? She’s already scared of me as it is and just downright timid in general. There is no way she would come to us.”

“Well we don’t want to bring her things by the dance hall, do we? I mean, she’ll just say thank you, take the stuff, and walk away. We want time to engage in conversation together and work our magic.”

“Who said anything about pursuing Alexa? I just told you how timid she is. I’m not a patient man and you know that. I demand and I want what I want when I damn well want it. She makes me nervous.”

Chad laughed then placed his hand on Michael’s shoulder.

“That’s because she’s the one, Michael. Can’t you see that? You said it yourself that no woman has ever made you feel so protective or concerned like that before and instantly, too. You like her, I like her, and I’m sure she likes us. If what you heard her sister Sally say over the cell phone conversation in your truck is true, then it’s practically a done deal. Let’s decide what to do. Bring her stuff tonight to Dixie Chix or ask her to stop by here tomorrow and offer her lunch? We probably have time anyway. She never really talks to other guys. She’s always ready to bolt.”

“I don’t want to make her feel like we’re trying to trick her. If she is special and meant for us, then we need to do this right. We need to bring the stuff with us tonight and ask if she wants to go to lunch with us tomorrow.”

“Your call, old man. I’ve got your back.” Michael took a light swing at Chad, but Chad ducked.

“Let’s go see our woman.”

* * * *

“Okay, you better start talking right now,” Sally stated as she took Alexa’s hand and brought her to the back room.

“I have to change, Sally.”

“Well, start talking while you change. Are you sure that you’re okay? I was so worried about you caught in that storm. I should have gone with you this morning and spent the day with you.”

Alexa took a deep breath. Sally was her sister, and she knew everything that Alexa had gone through because Sally had gone through it, too. Every strike from their uncles or one of their men, every threat of violence or punishment for nearly getting caught delivering drugs, and all the other terrible things that happened. Sally understood, and if a tornado was predicted, Alexa was a mess.

It was crazy but as scared as she was, it seemed that being with big, tough Michael eased her fear a little. That realization frightened the heck out of Alexa. She wouldn’t admit that to her sister. But she also wouldn’t lie to her either, so as she changed into one of the outfits Sally picked out for her, Alexa told her the entire story. She didn’t leave out any details including how she jumped into Michael’s arms at the loud crash of thunder and how she ran from the truck forgetting her camera and gear. Her stomach ached just thinking about how she was going to get the stuff back from him and face him again.

“Oh this is so sweet, Alexa. He likes you and so does his brother, Chad.”

“Please, Sally, don’t push this on me. I’m not ready,” Alexa stated as she smoothed out her skirt. It was short and her legs looked so good. She was shocked as she twirled in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

“You look really great, Alexa, and your legs are fabulous,” Sally said as she placed her hands on Alexa’s shoulders and looked at her through their reflection in the mirror.

“I know that you’re scared. I know and understand. But it’s time to start living, Alexa. It’s time to start opening up your heart and giving a little trust, too.”

“You think that Michael is trustworthy? He and Chad are so dominant and bossy. I feel like they’re watching everything that I do and are about to give an order. They make

me so nervous.”

“That’s because you like them. Listen, I don’t know if they’re trustworthy or not. You’re a gorgeous woman, and Michael and Chad are not the only ones who are interested in you. I worry a lot because you’re so timid, and some guys might try to take advantage of that. But I’ve heard a lot of great things about Michael and Chad. They work for the government, you know?” Sally lifted a brush from Alexa’s bag and began to brush Alexa’s blonde locks. Alexa felt the tears reach her eyes. They would brush one another’s hair back at the prison when they were locked away in their room. It was a prison, and she had learned quickly that people aren’t always as they seem.


Alexa held her sister’s gaze as Sally lowered the brush.

“You know as well as I do that military or not, people fake who they really are, so they can take advantage of you and hurt you. I may be timid and shy as you say, but I’m not stupid. I wouldn’t be able to handle getting hit by Michael or Chad,” Alexa admitted as she lowered her eyes and clasped her hands together. Men wanted control and power over women. It is what she knew as fact.

“Oh God, Alexa.” Sally pulled her into her arms and hugged her tight. Alexa held on to Sally.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Sinful 7 of Delite, Texas Erotic