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“Will do, sir. We’ll talk later.”

* * * *

Cassidy was worried about Stryker when he didn’t join them for lunch. Cash was outside on the phone, and Coast was returning some calls he missed.

She excused herself and went to search for Stryker’s room.

She knocked on the door but didn’t hear a sound. Slowly, she opened it and found him sleeping on the bed. His face was scrunched up as if he were in pain even in his sleep. She tiptoed closer and watched him. He was so attractive. He wore no shirt, and his muscular chest made her mouth water. With her eyes, she followed a pathway down his chest to the dusting of hair that led beneath the waist of his shorts. That’s when she noticed his cock had sprung to attention, tenting them out.

Someone was playing possum.

She moved closer and pretended to reach for the blanket at the bottom of the bed as if preparing to cover him. In a flash, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her up and on top of him so she was forced to straddle his waist.

“Hasn’t anyone ever warned you about sneaking up on a soldier?” he asked.

“I knew you were awake,” she told him as she eased off of him and slid to his side. He kept her against his chest as he ran his palm along her thigh and under her skirt.

“How did you know?” he asked.

She licked her lower lip and then slid her palm down his chest and under the waistband of his shorts. She caressed his cock. “Because of this.”

He chuckled. “You’d be some secret weapon, baby, with a body like yours.” He brought her closer and kissed her deeply.

She straddled his leg and eased up closer to him. His hands explored her ass, and then she felt his fingers try to press up into her pussy. She eased herself higher so he could reach, and he chuckled as he released her lips.

“You feel it too, Cassidy, don’t you?” he whispered.

She held his gaze and then the intensity of his stare. He smelled so good, like soap and cologne and everything a man should smell like.

“I do, Stryker. I missed you,” she said to him.

He squi

nted at her. “Missed me? Why? The others are still out there, aren’t they?”

She was surprised that he would say such a thing. Did he think his role in this relationship wasn’t as important as the others?

She knew she needed to tread carefully here. There was so much to work on and work out.

“I love the way you make me feel. I love how safe and secure it feels in your arms.”

“In my arms?” he questioned, and she snuggled closer and hugged him with her face against his chest and neck.

“Yes, I could stay in this dark room with you and cuddle for hours. Nothing could hurt me in here with you.” She then turned to the side and kissed his skin.

In one smooth motion, he turned and was halfway over her.

“I need you, Cass. When I’m inside you, nothing hurts. Everything is perfect.”

She held his gaze and took in the emotion and depth of his dark eyes as he spoke to her.

“Do you think I’m weak for admitting that?” he asked her.

She shook her head. “We can’t always be so strong and handle things on our own. It’s not easy to accept the help, but it makes a difference.”

He held her cheek in the palm of his hand.

“Will you let us help you, Cass?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic