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“You tell us if it does. He’ll stop. He’ll make sure you’re ready and don’t feel any pain,” Stryker said to her then tugged her hair to get his statement across to her. “No pain for you ever.”

She smiled at how compassionate and caring Stryker really was. She leaned down and kissed him. She explored his mouth as his hands explored her body. She felt him reach beneath her and grasp his cock. She lifted up, still kissing him, until she felt the tip of his cock against her pussy. She released his lips and held his gaze as she sank down onto his thick, hard cock, losing her breath along the way.

As she rocked her hips and made love to Stryker, he cupped her breasts, pinched her nipples, and held her gaze. There was such a strong connection she felt tears hit her eyes. Stryker reached up and caressed a stray tear she hadn’t felt falling. He wiped it away with his thumb.

“You’re mine now, and I’m yours,” he said.

She lowered down and kissed him again then felt the cool liquid against her puckered hole.

“Easy, baby. Getting you ready. I think Coast has something for you too,” Cash said.

The bed dipped as she released Stryker’s’ lips and saw Coast kneeling on the bed, stroking his shaft.

He looked so sexy. His blue eyes sparkled, and his muscles looked so hard and attractive. She felt her pussy cream, and then Cash’s fingers pushed into her ass.

“Oh God, Cash. It burns.” She moaned, gripping Stryker’s shoulders as Coast reached out and pulled her closer.

“Relax those muscles and let him in. let him stretch that ass so you can take all our big cocks,” Coast told her.

She gasped. She felt her cheeks turn red just as he kissed her deeply.

It all happened so fast yet so smoothly. One moment she was rocking her hips against Stryker’s cock as Coast kissed her. The next moment Coast was pulling from her mouth and lowering her head to his cock. Just as she licked the tip and tried thrusting up and down onto Stryker’s cock, Cash pulled his fingers from her ass, making her feel the loss and almost beg for more. But Coast kept stroking his cock into her mouth, and Stryker was thrusting upward as he cupped her breasts and manipulated them. Then she felt Cash’s cock push through the tight rings in her ass.

“Relax and let them love you,” Memphis ordered, and she did.

She relished the feel of Stryker’s cock deep in her cunt. She listened to Coast moan and complain that he couldn’t hold back. That he wanted to come, and then Cash pushed all the way into her ass, balls deep, and she lost it. Her body convulsed, and all three men moved in sync until Coast came, shooting his cum down her throat. She swallowed profusely.

Coast stepped from the bed, and she held Stryker’s gaze as his face contorted and he came. She followed him, calling out Cash’s name and then feeling his cock grow thicker in her ass. Cash rocked his hips as he gripped hers and roared as he came.

He slowly pulled from her ass as she lay against Stryker’s chest. She absorbed the smell of soap, his cologne, and then felt his hands caressing her back and squeezing her ass.

“So perfect. So beautiful. You make me feel alive, Cass,” he told her. She lifted up, and she kissed him until she heard Memphis’s voice.

“Come here, baby. I need you too.”

She lifted up and smiled at Stryker, who gave her ass a tap. Memphis picked her up and lowered her to the bed on her back.

“My turn,” he said and began to explore her body, starting with her neck and nipples then making his way to her pussy with his fingers. He stroked her cunt, curled his fingers, making her somehow feel like coming again. She ran her fingers through Memphis’s hair and tugged on it as he pulled a little harder on her nipple.

“Memphis,” she scolded.

“Top or bottom?” Orlando asked, joining them.

Memphis held her gaze after he released her tender nipple. “Top,” he said as he winked at her then rolled her over so she straddled him. She widened her thighs and felt the cool air against her puckered hole as Memphis adjusted his lower body so that he was hanging off the edge of the bed. She knew what was coming. Memphis and Orlando were going to take her together. She felt her heart racing, and then Memphis smiled.

“Ride me, baby, like you rode Stryker.”

He reached under her hair and gripped a handful. It was arousing, and she felt submissive. She sensed the desire to please him. To please all of them. She widened her stance, lifted up, and took his thick cock deep into her pussy in one not-so-smooth stroke. She clenched her teeth and felt his cock stretch her pussy muscles. Cassidy locked gazes with his dark eyes and saw the intensity in his expression. She rocked her hips until she felt the hands massaging her back and her ass and knew that Orlando had joined them. Orlando leaned closer and kissed her neck. He whispered into her ear.

“I’ve had my eyes on this ass for weeks. You’re a naughty girl, Cass. Teasing me with those short shorts you run in and then those little accessible skirts. Fuck, you got my dick so hard, baby. I want this ass. Let me fuck this ass, baby.”

His words had her leaking cream and pushing her ass back toward him.

“Yes. Yes, Orlando, I want you too.”

She felt him massaging her ass and spreading the cheeks. Memphis gripped her hips and thrust up and down, making her rock above him. She’d spread her thighs wider to get a better position to counter his thrusts when she felt the cool liquid press against her ass then up into her anus.

She moaned as fingers pushed through then moisture lubricated in and around her anus. She wanted his cock inside of her. She wanted that deep, carnal connection with all of them fucking her at once. It was insane.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic