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He hung up the phone and explained to Duke and Big Jay what Jim and Frank found out.

“So Grace was onto something after all in finding that note and phone number in the file?” Big Jay asked then smiled.

“She sure was and maybe we can use this to get her to stay a little while longer. First I want to look at the files from the first few cases again. The first victim may have known the killer. Perhaps even had a relationship with him. We’re looking at that particular case as his first killing but maybe something else triggered it. It may have been what led him to change his identity, fall off the face of the earth as Jim put it. Come on guys, grab a chair and start reading,” Sandman said as he gathered up the files.

* * * *

“What do you mean she wants to come home? Today?” John asked all surprised.

“Yeah, that’s what Sandman said and he wasn’t very happy about it. We need to move fast, brother. Grace is stubborn and determined, and Sandman didn’t sound too confident about changing her mind,” added Frank as John leaned against the black unmarked police car.

“Well let’s try to find Donald. I know Mom said that Eric had seen him at the town board meeting the other day. Maybe we can ask Eric if Donald seemed preoccupied or maybe acting differently,” said John.

“That’s a good idea. We’ll try to speak with Eric before he leaves for that small business trip to Dallas he mentioned. We’ll head over there after we go talk to Mayor Donovan. Donald and him are good friends,” added Frank. John walked around the unmarked police car to get in on the passenger side.

Ten minutes later they were at the municipal building and headed to the mayor’s office.

“Hey what brings you two around here? I thought you hated this place,” said Peter as he bumped into his brothers as they approached the mayor’s office.

“Hey, Peter, what’s going on?” asked Frank as he shook his brother’s hand. Then John did the same.

“I’m running around between the courts and the office. What are you two doing here?”

They filled him in on the case as well as Grace wanting to come back home.

“Well Sandman and his brothers can’t allow her to. She’s in way too much danger and now the FBI is looking for Donald? They don’t have a fucking clue,” said Peter and both John and Frank laughed.

“Is that your professional opinion?” John asked with a smile.

“They don’t have shit, guys. Every bit of so-called evidence they have against Donald is filled with holes. None of it would stand up in court,” Peter added.

“Well hopefully it won’t go that far. I don’t believe Donald?

?s the killer. I’m beginning to get worried about him. When we spoke last, he was actually looking forward to Agent Lancaster’s questioning and even willing to take a lie detector test. Something’s not right,” said Frank

“Do you think he’s in some kind of danger?” Peter asked.

“He may be in danger. That’s why we’re here. We wanted to see how Donald was acting at the meeting the other night. There’s nowhere else for us to start looking,” said Frank.

“Well Mayor Donovan is good friends with Donald and that’s as good a start as any,” said Peter as the men continued to talk.

* * * *

“Grace…Grace, Goddamn it, this isn’t funny. Where are you? Answer me right now!” Big Jay yelled as he frantically searched the house.

“She’s gone.” Duke pointed toward Sandman’s bedroom.

Sandman headed toward the door and saw that his bedroom window was opened. There was a note on his desk from Grace.

Sandman, Duke, and Jay,

Please understand why I snuck out and decided to do this on my own. My family is suffering. The community is suffering because of me. I don’t want to put any of you or anyone else in danger. I’ll contact the FBI as soon as I get to Houston. I know of a safe place to stay, and when I get there I’ll contact you. I can’t just sit around safe, happy, and out of control. I need to stop this guy and you’re only willing to do this your way. I understand that you love me but I can’t sit here in your house, miles away while innocent women are being killed. He nearly killed Jamie, and all he wants is me. You said you wouldn’t help me or let the FBI use me as bait. Well that decision wasn’t for you to make. I’ve made the decision and that’s what I’ll be…Bait…Anything to stop this madman. Please don’t be angry. I love you all so much.

Love, Grace

“Goddamn her. What the hell is she thinking, guys?” Sandman yelled as he headed through the bedroom door and down the stairs.

“She couldn’t have gotten far. We flew here by helicopter and there’s no way she could get a plane ticket and pass through security without being identified. Everyone knows what she looks like,” Big Jay stated.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic